The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Reseach (OIER) produces a number of reports with baseline statistics about the number of students enrolled across the district and the overall outcomes of those students. Additionally, the OIER also reports on Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) metrics and has developed reporting tools to provide transparency around funding-related MIS uploads for categorical programs. 

Districtwide fact books

Annual metrics about enrollment (headcount) and outcomes (success rates, units earned, awards earned) districtwide for each SDCCD institution. 

2023/24 College Headcount Success (Coming Soon) Degrees (Coming Soon)  
District Headcount

Units Earned
(Coming Soon)

Degree by Units Earned (Coming Soon)  
2022/23 College Headcount Success Degrees  
District Headcount Units Earned Degree by Units Earned  


Facts on file

High-level overview of data on key programs and student characteristics. Presents a cross-sectional view of SDCCD. 

2022/23 Edition 2021/22 Edition 2020/21 Edition 2019/20 Edition 2018/19 Edition


student centered funding formula (scff) trends

Information about funding rates and allocation amounts for SDCCD FTES and success metrics, from 2019-20 to 2022-23. 



Management information system (MIS) Dashboards

Supports verification of accurate MIS uploads to statewide data system.

Dashboard Created Update Frequency
SD - Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) 12/14/2023 MIS data - once a term; Internal data - daily
Upcoming Dashboards Created Update Frequency
SY - Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) TBD TBD
SD - Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) TBD TBD