


SDCCD Police Administrative Office and Investigations

1536 Frazee Road
San Diego, CA 92108
Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.


Programs and Services

Safety Escort Services

Motorist Assistance

R.A.D. self-defense training for Women and Men

Campus Community Emergency Response Teams (C-CERT)


Additional Resources

Communications & Dispatch
Clery Act
Title IX  

Safety Information

Keeping our college communities safe is a collaborative effort. The College Police, Facilities Services personnel, faculty, staff, students and our neighbors all play a role in identifying unsafe conditions, reporting crime and alerting others to suspicious people and circumstances.

Part of our commitment to maintaining a safe learning and working environment is rapidly addressing problems. Not only do we want a safe campus, we want a campus where people feel safe. Creating this environment requires constant vigilance and a quick response to perceived problems.

Everyone is urged to program the College Police Dispatch telephone number 619-388-6405 into their cell phone. Reports may also be made by using the emergency call boxes located in most parking lots on campus, in classrooms and in elevators.

DO YOUR PART to help avoid being a victim of crime. Download our Property Intake Form and our Bicycle Registration Form. Keep copies of the completed forms at home or with your family. Provide these forms to law enforcement if your property is lost or stolen.

Additional Resources

Report A Crime
EMRT - Emergency Management Resource Team