Following is an FAQ on the redesigned district logo.
Q. Why did the district redesign its logo?
A. With the increasing importance of digital communications, it’s essential for the district to have a logo that works well in both print and digital formats. Unfortunately, the district’s previous logo included considerable detail that does not always reproduce well. The new design maintains the key features of the district’s logo, with a more contemporary look that is both print- and digital-friendly.
Q. Can everyone begin using the new logo?
A. Yes! The new district logo is now available and should be used instead of the previous design. This includes the college/CE versions of the logo which feature the district logo side-by-side with the college name. The new logo and district style guide are available at:
Q. Do I need to throw away stationery and materials with the old logo? What about our website?
A. To be fiscally and environmentally responsible, you should use up all district stationery and collateral materials that feature the old logo. Reprographics has the new logo and will include it on any future orders. In terms of online use, the district website is currently being redesigned and the new logo will be incorporated when the redesigned website launches later this semester.
Q. What about replacing more expensive things like signage?
A. The district will evaluate the cost and benefit of replacing more permanent uses of the logo like signage. However, it is anticipated that the many of these will remain with the old version for some time to come.
Q. Can I continue to use the old version?
A. For new projects, you should begin using the redesigned logo. This transition will take a while, so it’s fine if the old design continues to appear for a while on existing materials, websites, and other places. However, for consistency sake, it’s important that we all phase-in the new logo during the remainder of 2017.
Q. I still have questions, who can I talk with?
A. District Communications and Public Relations would be glad to hear from you and provide assistance. You can reach us at or 619-388-6914.