11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Career Day (Presentation about military transition to career and college)
San Diego Mesa College | K103/104 Veterans Success Center
Sponsor: Veterans Success Center
10 – 11 a.m.
First-Gen Veterans Scholarship Orientation (Scholarship session supporting students
who identify as first-generation and veterans)
San Diego City College | M-200 Student Affairs
Sponsor: Office of Financial Aid
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Disability Awareness (Mesa College Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS)
and Office of Military & Veterans Affairs help students with VA Disability Ratings)
San Diego Mesa College | K103/104 Veterans Success Center
Sponsor: Veterans Success Center
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Transfer Day (PLNU, CSUSM, USD, SDSU, UCSD, Veterans Posse will be in attendance)
San Diego Mesa College | K103/104 Veterans Success Center
Sponsor: Veterans Success Center
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Annual Veterans Day program (Formal Veterans Day Program to honor and appreciate those
who serve including active military students, faculty staff, administrators, and guests)
San Diego City College | A Building Patio and YouTube
Sponsor: Office of Student Affairs
12:30 - 2 p.m.
Veterans Service Center Open House (Meet the team and learn about the services available
to veterans and military affiliated students)
San Diego City College | Veterans Service Center
Sponsor: Veterans Service Center
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Honoring all Who Served (Reception and recognition of Veteran Students)
San Diego College of Continuing Education | Educational Cultural Complex Foyer
Sponsor: Student Equity
2 p.m.
Veterans Alumni Panel (alumni share the impact of Mesa College and their next steps)
San Diego Mesa College
Sponsor: Veterans Success Center
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Veterans Resources (San Diego VA Military Services Coordinator will review GI Bill
benefits, VA home loans, veteran-owned small business support, life insurance, disability
benefits, healthcare, senior care, and death benefits.
San Diego Mesa College | K103/104 Veterans Success Center
Sponsor: Veterans Success Center
11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Veterans Employment Committee Job & Resource Fair (Annual resource fair with over
one hundred employers and thirty resources available aimed to support veterans and
transitioning military members)
San Diego City College | A Building Patio and Schwartz Square
Sponsor: Transfer and Career Center
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Veterans Day Celebration (Postcard Writing Campaign for Active Military and Retired
Veterans, "Then & Now" Photograph Gallery of Miramar Veterans, Celebration for Marine
Corps Birthday
Resources for Veterans, and Live Music. First 100 veterans to attend receive free
San Diego Miramar College | Compass Point.
Sponsor: Office of Student Affairs
SDCCD closed in observance of Veterans Day
In addition to Veterans Day events, the City College library will sponsor a month-long resource display in November to honor Veterans and active military students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members. Mesa College will hold a flag fundraiser from 11/6-11/11 to raise money for the Veterans of Mesa Scholarship and the Veterans Emergency Fund.
The SDCCD proudly serves more than 12,000 active-duty military personnel, veterans, and dependents.