All events are free and open to the public. Among the highlights:
10 to 11 a.m.
Women in the Arts Workshop
San Diego Miramar College.
11:10 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Careering While Asian II: Women’s History Month Edition
This panel discussion will incorporate womxn-Asian and womxn-Pacific Islander identifying
persons from Mesa College, alongside professionals from other industries in San Diego,
to bring their lived experiences as Asian and Pacific Islander womxn onto campus.
Students will have the opportunity to ask the panel questions and network during the
San Diego Mesa College, MC-211, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
Noon to 12:30 p.m.
Information Session: San Diego Chapter of the American Association of Women in Community
Colleges (SDC-AAWCC)
This is a professional association for women in community colleges that sets the standard
for navigating social lives as women and advancing careers as educators.
San Diego Mesa College.
11:10 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Women in Agriculture: Who Grows Your Food Matters
Three women farmers will discuss their career paths in agriculture, share their insights
on finding success in a male-dominated field and about their contributions to the
local food system.
San Diego Mesa College, MC-211, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
“Creativity” series with Bill Moyers: Maya Angelou
Documentary film screening.
San Diego Miramar College, K1-211, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126
5 to 5:30 p.m.
Information Session: San Diego Chapter of the American Association of Women in Community
Colleges (SDC-AAWCC)
This is a professional association for women in community colleges that sets the standard
for navigating social lives as women and advancing careers as educators.
Hosted by San Diego Mesa College.
8:30 a.m.
City Women Rock Conference
City College students network with peers, engage with inspiring women leaders, and
gain valuable insights for their academic and career success. Conference attendees
are invited to participate in a post-conference event celebrating the 50th anniversary
of Title IX and Women's History Month, in conjunction with International Women's Day.
There will be a free barbeque lunch at 12:45 p.m. followed by a City College women's
softball game vs. Mesa College at 2 p.m. and women's tennis match vs. Imperial Valley
College at 2 p.m.
Registration for conference is required.
San Diego City College, Harry West Gym, 1313 Park Blvd., 92101
9:35 to 11 a.m.
12th Annual Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series.
This year’s lecture, held on International Women’s Day will focus on learning as an
act of rebellion through using contemporary indigenous knowledge in the classroom.
The annual Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series honors the founder of the
San Diego Mesa College Chicana/o Studies Department and recognizes her life-long commitment
to education, feminism, and dedication to the mission of the community college. For
the past 12 years, this lecture series has successfully attracted a wide range of
campus and community members from the regional to San Diego Mesa College to reflect
on the importance of Chicana/o Studies, Women’s Rights, Civil Rights, Community Service
and Education.
San Diego Mesa College, G-101, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
9:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.
“Yellow Rose” film screening
This event brings together historically marginalized communities through a film discussion.
The film runs 90 minutes, followed by a 30- to 60-minute discussion period facilitated
by event speaker and film producer Cecilia Mejia.
San Diego Mesa College, I4-202 Student Services Building, 7250 Mesa College Drive,
11:10 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Waste Not, Want Not: An Inquiry into What Women Saved and Assembled
The title of this presentation is drawn from a 1978 article by artists Miriam Schapiro
and Melissa Meyer. In that article, the authors propose a new term: Femmage, and use
it to elucidate an overlooked (but meaningful) thread in art history that relates
to a generation of women artists using bits and pieces, recycled items, and found
materials to create a specifically feminine brand of collage. Professors Denise Rogers
and Cara Smulevitz will present a joint investigation of that idea and discuss a range
of artwork examples that relate to it.
San Diego Mesa College, MC-211, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
1 to 2 p.m.
Women and Oppression
This panel will discuss lived experiences and history of our community members and
colleagues. How do our intersectional backgrounds as women, immigrants, and secondhand
citizens impact what we expect and how we engage with others? Most critically, how
do we rise together against this oppression?
San Diego Mesa College, LRC-435, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Screening and discussion of “Reversing Roe”
The Women’s Alliance Club in collaboration with the Pride Center will host a showing
of “Reversing Roe,” a 2018 documentary looking at the decades-long political campaign
to try and overturn Roe v. Wade. Following the film, a panel will be held to discuss
issues related to Roe v. Wade and where the conversation and policies stand in this
never-ending fight for women's rights.
San Diego Mesa College, G-102, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
2 to 3 p.m.
“The Kitchenistas” documentary film and discussion
This documentary is about women who started advocating for healthy food traditions
to change communities and transform lives and launched the Cooking for Salud program
at Olivewood Gardens and Learning Center in National City.
Hosted by San Diego Miramar College.
4 to 7 p.m.
San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery presents: Perceive Me
Reception for the Perceive Me Art Exhibition, which runs March 13 through April 13.
Perceive Me is comprised of a series of portraits commissioned by plus-size artist
Kristine Schomaker and envisioned as a protest and challenge of the notions of body
size and body image as construed by society and the art world. Shifting away from
the hurtful trappings of body-shaming, the artists honor and celebrate Schomaker’s
voluptuous form in a variety of paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, video
and a 3D print. This exhibit will allow our students and guests to engage in interesting
conversations about body image and stereotypes of the “ideal” female figure.
An artist panel also will be held at 7 p.m. on April 4 on Zoom.
San Diego Mesa College, Art Gallery, FA-103, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
5 to 7:30 p.m.
Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories
Women's panel featuring local women leaders followed by a reception.
San Diego College of Continuing Education, Educational Cultural Complex Theatre and
Foyer, 4343 Ocean View Blvd., 92113
7 p.m.
Local Black Authors Pay Tribute to Black Women Poets
Local Black women authors will read their favorite poem by a Black woman poet and
explain the particular meaning it has for her. Each author will also share a selection
from her own work with a short talk on the inspiration behind the poem.
Hosted by San Diego Mesa College.
Noon to 2 p.m.
Emma Goldman (Miss Smith) and the Failure of Democratic Social Contract for Women
in America.
Join speaker Leanne Dedrick for a brief discussion of the feminism of Emma Goldman
through her anarchist activism and the implications that “Women’s Rights” are a mere
chimera when viewed through the lens of a democracy wherein women are not considered
full, active agents within the social contract.
San Diego Mesa College, MC-211, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
Noon to 1:30 p.m.
Discussion of Contemporary Women’s Literature
Presentation on a selection of Women’s Literature and a book giveaway.
San Diego Miramar College, H-105, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126
11:10 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Amplifying the Stories of Working Women Students and Their (In)Visible Domestic Labor
Learn about the realities of being a working woman student while taking on the demands
of the home. This event also looks to nurture a sense of community among women workers,
students, staff and faculty so that students can feel supported in their journey through
Hosted by San Diego Mesa College.
12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
When Women Won the Vote and Women’s Rights: Finding a Voice (Double Feature)
Documentary film screening.
San Diego Miramar College, K1-211, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126
11 a.m. to Noon
An Episodic History of Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the United States
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Gender Advocacy Committee hosts an engaging
Zoom event with the aim of informing participants about the history of women in the
United States.
Hosted by San Diego Mesa College.
12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Under the Radar Panel and Exhibit
Women’s surfing panel and museum exhibition “Under the Radar” originating with the
Surfing Heritage & Cultural Center featuring San Diego College of Continuing Education
Counselor Lisa Carulli
San Diego College of Continuing Education, West City Campus, Multipurpose Room 3249
Fordham St., 92110
6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The Lives of Women Conquistadors
Analyzing the role women played in the conquest of the Americas during the Age of
Hosted by San Diego Miramar College.
7:30 p.m.
Celebrating Women’s Stories through Dance
The dance department is going to capture the essence of women's struggles, achievements
and advancement throughout the years through spoken word, movement, and live music.
San Diego Mesa College, Dance Studio, L-116, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
Additionally, throughout the month of March, the Women’s Studies Advisory Library Resource Center (LRC) display at San Diego Mesa College will feature the historical journey for women’s suffrage, and contemporary concerns about voting and disenfranchisement. The Stitches in Time designs made by Mesa College fashion students also will be on display on the first floor of the LRC.