District events celebrate Women's History Month

March 1, 2024 | San Diego Community College District
Four women hold a discussion on a stage a large slide is illuminated behind them. The slide shows a purple profile of three women text reads womens history month

In celebration of Women’s History Month, the San Diego Community College District, including San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar, and Continuing Education colleges, are hosting an array of on campus and online events. Attendees can choose from an art and dance showcase honoring women's stories, a discussion on contemporary women’s literature, the 13th annual Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series, and more.

All events are free and open to the public. Among the highlights:


11:10 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Careering While Asian Womxn Panel
A panel of Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) womxn who have trailblazed in non-APIA fields will share their strategies for honoring their cultural roots and thriving in predominantly white industries.
San Diego Mesa College, G-101, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111


4 to 7 p.m.
“Equal Means Equal” Documentary Screening & Discussion
Uncover the inequalities women face today, both domestically and globally, and delve into why the Equal Rights Amendment must be added to the United States Constitution. The screening will be followed by an open discussion on women's history and the current state of women's experiences in society.
San Diego Miramar College, H-210, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126


12:30 to 2:20 p.m.
Fighting the System with Ajumma EXP
A panel discussion with Ajumma EXP, a dance group of women challenging historical oppression through dance and flash mob performances.
San Diego Mesa College, SB-210, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111


11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Mindfulness Meal & Music Event
Engage in mindful djembe drumming to decrease stress and enjoy a meal in community.
San Diego Miramar College, K1-107, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126

6 to 7:30 p.m.
We Are Living History
Starla Lewis, Black Studies professor emerita and co-author of “I Am: My Own Self-Validation,” will speak about understanding history while weaving together highlights of her book. The SDCCD will offer 20 free copies of “I Am: My Own Self-Validation" to those who register early.
San Diego Miramar College


10 to 11:30 a.m.
Discussion of Contemporary Women’s Literature
A discussion of contemporary women’s literary works of fiction and non-fiction with an international focus by authors representing Ghana, Japan, Mexico, Somalia, and other countries. Attendees will receive a free book on a first-come, first-served basis.
San Diego Miramar College, H-106, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126

10 a.m. to Noon
City Womxn Rock Conference
City College students will engage with inspiring women leaders, and gain valuable insights for their academic and career success. Attendees are invited to network and enjoy a free barbecue. Registration for the conference is required.
San Diego City College, A Building Patio,1313 Park Blvd., 92101

10:30 a.m.
Women’s History Month with CE-Mesa ASB
Learn about Women's History Month with the CE-Mesa Associated Student Body (ASB), enjoy light refreshments and opportunity drawings.
San Diego College of Continuing Education, CE-Mesa Room 118, 7350 Armstrong Place, 92111


12:30 to 2 p.m.
Sonic Connections: Music-Based Mindfulness Event
Sonic Connections is an art and music-based mental health program that equips college students with life and leadership skills to thrive amidst challenges.
San Diego Miramar College, K-2 Welcome Center & Community Lounge, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126


11 a.m. to Noon
Atrévete a Escribir
A book talk on writing and publishing by author Veracruz Sanchez.
San Diego Mesa College, AVANZA Engagement Center I4-203, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111

12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Documentary Film: Native America: Women Rule
Native America: Women Rule explores the diverse ways Native American women carry forward deep traditions to better their communities, their lands, and the world.
San Diego Miramar College, K1-211, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126

1 to 2 p.m.
Information Session: The San Diego Chapter of the American Association of Women in Community Colleges (SDC-AAWCC)
An information session to learn about SDC-AAWCC, which provides women in community colleges the opportunity to connect and learn how to navigate academia as well as professional development for career advancement as educators.
San Diego Mesa College, Zoom ID: 782 355 5444


7 to 8:45 p.m.
Local Black Women Authors' Tribute to Black Women Poets
A poetry reading by Black women poets.
San Diego Mesa College


5 to 6 p.m.
Information Session: The San Diego Chapter of the American Association of Women in Community Colleges (SDC-AAWCC)
An information session to learn about SDC-AAWCC, which provides women in community colleges the opportunity to connect and learn how to navigate academia as well as professional development for career advancement as educators.
San Diego Mesa College, Zoom ID: 782 355 5444

6 to 7 p.m.
Celebrating Persian New Year with the Women’s Freedom Forum
Learn about Persian New Year with the Women’s Freedom Forum and hear about their advocacy work for women’s rights.
San Diego Miramar College


12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Documentary Film: Harriet Tubman: Visions of Freedom
Learn about Harriet Tubman, one of the greatest freedom fighters in American history.
San Diego Miramar College, K1-211, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126

2 to 3 p.m.
Queer Women Writers Lecture
Join Professor Heather Paulson and her Women in Literature students for a lecture and discussion on intersectional queer women writers and activists. The lecture will highlight the contributions queer women have made to literary studies, feminist theory, and social activism.
San Diego Miramar College, H-210, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126


11:10 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Queer in the Borderlands
Inspired by Gloria Anzaldúa’s borderlands theory, panelists will discuss and expand on their experiences as queer activists, creatives, thinkers, and scholars doing work in the U.S./Mexico borderlands.
San Diego Mesa College, LRC-435, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111

Noon to 2 p.m.
Women in Business Expo
Meet local leaders from local women owned businesses and enjoy a free lunch and fun activities.
San Diego Miramar College, Campus Point, 10440 Black Mountain Road, 92126

3 to 4 p.m.
Women and Oppression
The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Gender Advocacy Committee will facilitate a discussion on world events, laws, and practices that affect the well-being and flourishing of women.
San Diego Mesa College.


San Diego Women Who Make a Difference in the Community Panel
Watch the premiere performance of Yolanda Franklin’s Play, “To Stand as One Black Woman” and enjoy a panel discussion with Joann Fields, founder of the API Initiative; Yolanda Marie Franklin, director of Common Ground Theater; Sheryl Mallory Johnson, founder of the 1619 National Celebration of Black Women Inc., and Annie Rios, founder/executive director of Uprise Theatre.
San Diego College of Continuing Education.

12:30 to 2 p.m.
The Weight of Being a Strong Black Woman: The "Strain" on the Black Woman's Body
This event will focus on pressure on the psyche and the physical body of Black women. 
San Diego Mesa College.

7:30 p.m.
Celebrating Women's Stories Through Dance
The Mesa College dance department will showcase the essence of women's struggles, achievements, and advancement throughout the years with movement, spoken word, and live music in collaboration with Mesa College’s fine, performing, and language arts departments.
San Diego Mesa College, L-116, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111


11 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
13th annual Gracia Molina de Pick Feminist Lecture Series
A presentation and discussion featuring the founders of Enero Zapatista and Mujeres de Resistencia, Fernanda and Enrique de la Cruz. This series seeks to honor the founder of the San Diego Mesa College Chicana/o Studies Department and recognizes Gracia Molina de Pick’s life-long commitment to education, feminism, and dedication to the mission of the community college.
San Diego Mesa College, MC-211 A/B, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111


11 a.m. to 12:35 p.m.
Women in Positions of Power: Their Journey and Experiences
A student-led panel of women serving in non-traditional fields.
San Diego Mesa College, G-101, 7250 Mesa College Drive, 92111
