Faculty Professional Development

SDCCD DE Resources Canvas Course

Visit our SDCCD DE Toolkit to learn more about upcoming flex week workshops and take advantage of resources like:

  • Online Course Design
  • Social Media Accessibility
  • Accessibility Guidelines
  • Presemester Checklist
  • Workshop Recordings


Professional Development Calendar

As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering continuous professional growth and enhancing our students' learning experience, we are excited to introduce a series of professional development workshops that will be covering course design foundations and effective practices to support an inclusive learning environment. 

Please ensure that you register for the workshop session. After registering, you will receive the Zoom link.

Please visit our guide on how to properly register for a workshop in order to receive the Zoom meeting link.

Instructional Technology Workshops

Please checkout our Workshop Archives for recordings of our previously held workshops. Contact your campus Flex coordinator or the SDCCD Flex Handbook for more information on using our workshop archives towards an Independent Project Flex activity.


The Online Faculty Certification Program is for faculty who teach online or who are interested in teaching online. It is delivered entirely online through Canvas, and it includes Distance Ed Guidelines, online teaching pedagogy, and the nuts and bolts of Canvas Learn.It is designed to take 20 hours to complete. For course outline, Flex numbers, and how to enroll, visit the Online Faculty Certification Program page.


The Canvas Training for On-campus Faculty is for faculty who would like to enhance their traditional face-to-face course with a Canvas shell. The non-facilitated course is also delivered fully online through Canvas, and it is designed to take about 5-10 hours to complete.

You'll be introduced to the technical skills required to enhance your on-campus course with Canvas, including Copyright and Accessibility requirements.Through interactive tutorials, hands-on assignments, quizzes, and discussions, you'll learn how to navigate the system, add content to your course, allow students to submit assignments online, and post grades to your course.This is a non-facilitated, self-paced, fully online course.

As long as you have a Canvas account with the SDCCD you can self-enroll into the Canvas Training Course here: Introduction to Teaching with Canvas

Need help or assistance?

Please reach out to the Online Learning Pathways Instructional Design Supervisor, Liesl Boswell (lboswell@sdccd.edu)