On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, the governing boards of the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) and the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) held their 11th annual joint meeting at the Logan Memorial Educational Campus. Following the Call to Order at 5:04 p.m., SDCCD Trustees Maria Nieto Senour (president), Geysil Arroyo, Mary Graham, Craig Milgrim, Bernie Rhinerson, Student Trustee Julia Kogan, and Chancellor Carlos Cortez, and SDUSD Board of Education Members Sabrina Bazzo (president), Richard Barrera, Shana Hazan, Cody Petterson, Sharon Whitehurst-Payne, Student Trustees Lea Nepomuceno and Matthew Quitoriano, and Superintendent Lamont Jackson began the public meeting. Following a welcome by principal Kimberly Wright and student Max Romero, the meeting was conducted in the form of a presentation followed by discussion.
Below are highlights from each section of the presentation. The following topics were presented by SDCCD Vice Chancellor Susan Topham, San Diego College of Continuing Education Vice Presidents Shakerra Carter and Minou Spradley; Dean Andrew “Luke” Menchaca; Outreach Coordinators Valeria Dominguez, Clarissa Padilla, Trina Larson, and Chantal Hernandez; College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) faculty members Gina Abbiate, Desiree Klaar, and Kimberly Teston; San Diego City College student and Morse High School alumni Maximus Gastelum; SDUSD Instructional Support Officer Jen Roberson; SDUSD Director Sarah Vielma; and Student Engagement Intern Lorena Ford.
• Overview and Context Setting. The presentation began with an overview of the Joint Partnership Committee commitments and the 2022-2027 Joint Board Goals. Data insights were shared through a new Post-secondary Engagement Score Card providing progress updates on the SDCCD Promise Program, Concurrent Enrollment, CTE Articulation Credit by Exam, and College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP). Out of 11 indicators, the data shared showed positive progress on six indicators, mixed progress on four and challenges on one.
• Commitment to College and Career. An overview was provided of SDUSD’s College and Career Readiness Indicator and key partnership interventions including collaborative school site team planning, counselor conference, student supports, and parent/student orientations.
• SDCCD/SDUSD Partnership Presentations. SDCCD’s City, Mesa, Miramar, and Continuing Education colleges each presented on their partnership strategies and activities with SDUSD on increasing awareness for parents and students on post-secondary pathways (outreach and engagement), and shared highlights of a few key example pathway or program partnerships which increase SDUSD student access to early college credit and post-secondary engagement. Each presentation included a student testimonial. Slides are available here.
o The College of Continuing Education discussed its new Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program for high school students – providing high school students an opportunity to take noncredit healthcare career courses through concurrent enrollment.
o City College highlighted its Workforce Wednesdays initiative at Lincoln High School and its new Signing Days events and activities. Maximus Gastelum, SDUSD Morse High School alum, City College Signing Day scholarship recipient, and Student Ambassador shared his journey and positive experience at City College.
o Mesa College shared insight into their SDUSD outreach activities, annual principals round table, and embedded high school ambassadors. Mesa College’s CCAP pathway mapping efforts were shared along with two program highlights: a new Computer Science Certificate program at Point Loma High School and an update on their Tutor-to-Teacher Pipeline at Hoover High School.
o Miramar College shared updates on their Discover Your Passion (early childhood education) and Discover Your Drive (automotive) events where SDUSD students have an opportunity to come to campus to explore the instructional environments and learn more about careers and educational opportunities in specific trades (education and automotive). Insights were provided into Miramar College’s efforts to increase SDUSD student engagement in entrepreneurship. An overview was given of the early college credit opportunities provided to SDUSD students across biotechnology program pathways.
• Student Leadership. SDUSD/SDCCD Student Leadership efforts to increase connections between student government bodies and shared joint goals and initiatives were discussed including: Increasing opportunities for high school students to attend and participate in SDCCD events and programs, holding joint student leadership meetings, exploring internship opportunities for high school students in the SDCCD Associated Student Government Office/Student Affairs, increasing awareness of student leadership opportunities within the colleges, and joint outreach to community organizations.
• Connections with San Diego City Council. SDCCD Chancellor Carlos Cortez provided an overview of the new Metro Collaborative developed in partnership with the San Diego City Council – a new expanded partnership effort tied to the San Diego Promise Zone and SDUSD/SDCCD Joint Board Goal 4 commitment to increase collaboration with the City of San Diego.
• Update on Legislation and Advocacy. SDUSD Superintendent Lamont Jackson and Chancellor Carlos Cortez each shared key legislation all of which were endorsed by both boards. Legislation included:
o AB 275 (Ward) - Allows school districts to compensate student board members for their work.
o AB 91 (Alvarez) - Creates a nonresident tuition exemption for students at local SD community colleges who are residents of Mexico.
o AB 610 (Holden) - Creates the Youth Transit Pass Pilot Program to provide grants to support free fare programs for youth.
Goals for the Future
Recommendations to both Boards for refinement to existing goals were shared. Board members discussed, shared overall comments regarding current goals, and unanimously approved the following goals and actions:
● Goal 1: College and Career Readiness (no changes)
● Goal 2: Strategic Enrollment Management & Marketing (no changes)
● Goal 3: Wellbeing and Belonging. Goal 3 was revised from Managing in an Endemic World to include addressing students’ sense of safety and belonging, including mental health and collaboration on tiered student supports. A previous sub-goal of goal area 3, “Board leadership to connect on COVID-19 Policy and Procedures” was updated to “Board leadership to coordinate on public health emergencies.”
● Goal 4: Legislation, Alignment, Fundraising, and Collaborative Grants (no changes)
● Across all goals and sub-goals, the Boards approved the addition of metrics for each goal and requested Joint Partnership Committee members work together to monitor measurable outcomes and impact for each area. This will be a focus of 2022-23 Joint Partnership activities.
The Boards expressed appreciation to the presenters and celebrated the increased student voice throughout the presentation as well as the progress made on key goals.