Resources for Curriculum Development

On this page:
Resource Description

Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges represents the faculty of the Community Colleges. This site helps ensure effective participation in the formation of statewide policies on academic and professional matters.

Accessibility Checklist for the Disabled

This checklist will be used to determine if the online course format and other required course materials are accessible to students with disabilities. This checklist does not evaluate the subject matter or course content.

Accreditation Standards

The new standards are now available on the website for the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges

UC Dual Admissions Project (DAP) Compendium

The California Community College path of the ASSIST UC DAP (Dual Admissions Project) Compendium is now activated. Users can choose the community colleges they are interested in attending to explore major articulation offered with these colleges at UC campuses.

The ASSIST UC DAP Compendium was developed for students and advisers participating in the DAP program, however, the web site is available to the general public and may prove useful for all students interested in transferring to a UC campus.

ASSIST: Statewide Student Transfer Information for California

ASSIST is a computerized student-transfer information system that can be accessed over the World Wide Web. It displays reports of how course credits earned at one California college or university can be applied when transferred to another.

Using ASSIST Demos Online tutorials for using the ASSIST web site.

CaliforniaArticulation Number System

The California Articulation Number System (CAN) was a course identification system for common core lower-division transferable, major preparation courses commonly taught on CCC and CSU campuses. Colleges and universities that demonstrated common acceptance of courses through traditional articulation agreements were able to qualify courses for CAN designations.

Courses with CAN designators were accepted by any other CAN participating institutions as being comparable to their local courses with the same CAN designators to meet local requirements, even if the receiving university had not established an explicit traditional articulation agreement with a particular California Community College.

California Code of Regulations

This California Code of Regulations (CCR) Website contains the text of the regulations that have been formally adopted by state agencies, reviewed and approved by the Office of Administrative Law, and filed with the Secretary of State. The CCR consists of 27 titles and contains the regulations of approximately 200 regulatory agencies. This website is updated weekly.


California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office: Distance Ed Programs and New Regulations Workshop

Chancellor’s Office Distance Education Projects PowerPoint Presentation.

New regulations that you should be aware of with regard to distance education.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office: Inventory of Approved and Projected Programs

The CCC Curriculum inventory lists degrees and certificates offered by California community colleges, which are approved by the Chancellor's Office and projected future program.

All California community colleges offer a full range of university-level coursework in the natural sciences, mathematics, social sciences, humanities, language arts, and fine arts. But not all community colleges award degrees with the names of specific academic disciplines, such as chemistry or English. The fact that a college does not award a degree in a particular academic subject does not mean the college offers fewer courses in that subject.

Types of programs not included here are: certificates that require fewer than 18 semester units or 27 quarter units; inactive program; and noncredit apprenticeship programs.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office: Hours and Units Calculations

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office calculations and guidelines for hours and units for credit courses and will be in the forthcoming 6th edition of the PCAH.

California Community Colleges State Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO)

Provides information on current events affecting community colleges, grant information, organization of the government offices, departments, and divisions.


Chancellor's Office Reports


CCCCO Acronyms


CCCCO Resources Page

California Community Colleges
Chief Instructional Officers

California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers are committed to developing strategies, including those that involve collaboration with other segments of community college leadership, to support and improve student learning and will pursue action plans within Consultation processes wherever feasible.

California Intersegmental Articulation Council

The purpose of the California Intersegmental Articulation Council (CIAC) is to serve as a statewide forum for Articulation Officers to meet, discuss, and resolve college transfer and articulation issues; and to facilitate the progress of students between and among the segments of postsecondary education in California.

California Labor Market Information

Get an overview of labor market information in the state or a county including employment and unemployment, industry data, wages, consumer price index and more. Get a description, wages, employment outlook, training providers, and skills of a single occupation. Use the Data Library if you want historical data or data for more than one area or occupation. Here you will find Occupational Projections of Employment, Occupational Wages, Industry Employment, and Unemployment Rates.



California Law: Ed Code

Link to the California Education Code index page.

California State University Impacted Majors

CSU Undergraduate Impacted Programs:

SDSU Impacted Programs:

California State University Executive Orders

Link to the California State University Executive Orders index page.

California Virtual College Online

The California Virtual Campus Region 4's charge is to assist faculty, administration, and institutions within the region in the development of online courses and online programs.


California's actionable system of data linking student performance from pre-K through 12, to college and the workforce.


Access education-to-workforce data, current news and trends, and labor market information.

CCC to UC Transfer Admission Programs

Under some programs, students at certain community colleges are guaranteed admission to a UC campus if they meet specific requirements in completing their lower-division course work. Other programs provide extensive academic and admission support services to transfer applicants, but do not guarantee admission.

Centers Of Excellence

The Centers of Excellence (COE) deliver labor market research customized for community college decision making and workforce development.


Grant-funded technical assistance is available. Regional COEs can be found at:

Credit Course Repetition Guidelines

In July 2013, the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office released a preliminary draft of guidelines which provide an explanation of the Title 5 regulations governing when a student may repeat a credit course and when a district may claim apportionment for that repetition.


At this time, minor changes to the Title 5 regulations governing credit course repetition are pending. When the changes are enacted these guidelines will be released as a final draft.

Crosswalk of 6th Edition Taxonomy of Programs (TOP) to the new federal 2010 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)

This document identifies TOP Codes and TOP Titles.

CSU - Student Academic Support

Excellent resource of CSU websites and related resources.

CurricUNET Home Page

This is the official Website for the SDCCD Curriculum Development and Workflow Automation Project. Its purpose is to facilitate all phases of curriculum development and course/program approval for instructors, administrators, and various committees. If you do not have an authorized login, you may login using the username "guest" and password "governet."

Decision Support System (DSS)


The SDCCD Decision Support System/Enrollment Management System (DSS/EMS) is a web-based analytical tool designed to support the informational needs of college instructional managers. Enrollment data, faculty load, and up-to-date course offerings are integrated in tabular format to present a comprehensive portrait of productivity and profitability (the FTES a course brings in needs to be measured against the cost to offer the course). Access to this information enables managers and staff to better manage scheduling and provides the ability to better understand cost and apportionment. Enrollment targets may be projected from current and historical data and incorporated into "what if" scenarios in order to make better decisions.

Foundation for California Community Colleges

Good resource for information on foundations which support the community colleges; related directories; and cooperative purchasing agreements which benefit community college students, faculty, and staff.

Governet, Government Network Services

Governet partnered with the San Diego Community College District to develop CurricUNET. Now Governet is taking the lead in making CurricUNET available to other colleges and universities.

Integrate a Course Outline Resource Guide

This document identifies each section of a course outline and then describes the type of information that should be included. This comprehensive guide is loaded with practical information for faculty and staff.

International Education Program of the San Diego Community College District

The International Education Program of the San Diego Community College District provides SDCCD faculty, staff, and students with a variety of educational programs including professional development, study abroad programs and internationalization of curriculum. Goals for the International Education Program include expansion of collaborative educational and economic development programs abroad, an increase in international student enrollment, exploration of the potential for distance education, and development of worldwide contract education. The Program is committed to continuing grant development and securing additional external support that will contribute to the growth and development of global education opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.

ISCLASS Class Schedule Download Site

Intranet site for class schedule downloads.

League for Innovation in the Community College

The League is an international organization dedicated to catalyzing the community college movement. We host conferences and institutes, develop Web resources, conduct research, produce publications, provide services, and lead projects and initiatives with our member colleges, corporate partners, and other agencies in our continuing efforts to make a positive difference for students and communities.

Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges, 2014 The 10th edition of Minimum Qualifications for Faculty and Administrators in California Community Colleges is an update of the disciplines lists including those adopted by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges at their regularly scheduled meeting on November 2, 2013. It incorporates changes that resulted from recommendations from the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and its delegates, and a comprehensive review of regulations regarding the minimum qualifications and disciplines lists.

Occupational Employment Statistics

The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program produces employment and wage estimates for over 700 occupations. These are estimates of the number of people employed in certain occupations, and estimates of the wages paid to them.

National Center for Education Statistics-Intergrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS)

Resource for data on colleges, universities and technical and vocational postsecondary institutions in the United States.


IPEDS provides a full listing of Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes. A 2-digit CIP code refers to programs within a general career field, a 4-digit CIP code refers to programs within a career sector and a 6-digit CIP code refers to certificates and/or degrees.


Browse all CIP codes

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View 2000-2010 Crosswalk

View New CIP codes

View Deleted CIP codes

View Moved CIP codes


Program and Course Approval Handbook

This handbook was first published in May 1985. Each published edition or revision of the Handbook replaces all preceding editions or revisions, including any published supplements.


Policy Change for Hours and Units Calculation for Credit Courses CCCCO Memo


Handbook September 2013

This Fifth Edition provides the following:


  • Chancellor's Office statewide procedures for the submission, review, and approval of programs and courses.
  • A framework for consistent documentation of content and objectives for courses and programs.
  • Understanding of uniform practices in curriculum development as established in the field of curriculum design and instructional technology, as recommended by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges.

Handbook March 2012

This Fourth Edition includes the CCC Curriculum Inventory, Transfer Model Curriculum (TMC) and AA-T and AS-T Degrees, and Noncredit Curriculum.


Handbook 2009

This Third Edition is a major revision, incorporating revisions to Title 5 made in 2007-2008 and guidelines and recommendations from the System Advisory Committee on Curriculum.


Handbook Supplemental 2007

This publication was a supplemental to the Program and Course Approval Handbook, 2nd Edition. See revised applications for various approved programs below.

Handbook 2003

This edition incorporated clarifications, corrections, and some improved forms, but not substantially different in content.


Resources for Curriculum Development

This site contains materials and guidelines related to California Community College curriculum. These materials include not only links to the Education Code, Title 5, IGETC, and CSUGE but also guidelines and publications produced by the Community College Chancellor's Office, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges, the California State University, the University of California, and the other state organizations.

San Diego Community College District

Home page of the San Diego Community College District with links to the college home pages, public pages, alumni pages, student pages, and faculty & staff pages.

San Diego Community College District Office of Institutional Research and Planning

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning supports the District's supports the planning and decision-making efforts throughout the District. The department provides annual FTES reports, Basic Skills reports, High School Pipeline reports, transfer reports, and other useful reports, studies, and surveys.

San Diego State University - Transfer Admission Planner

This program is provided to help you identify courses required to meet transfer admission requirements for SDSU. It contains information about transfer courses that may be used to meet General Education Requirements and Preparation for the Major. It can also be used to help you identify individual courses that are equivalent to courses offered at SDSU.

SCANS 2000 Center

The SCANS 2000 Center is dedicated to creating a workforce development system that properly prepares workers and learners to compete in the international economy of the 21st century.

Our purpose is to provide information and recommendations about teaching the SCANS skills and encouraging lifelong learning.

SDCCD Collective Bargaining Agreements

San Diego Community College District Labor Relations home page. The links on this page represent the most current agreements or handbooks between the District and the respective union or meet and confer groups.

SDCCD Online Technical Support

Students, faculty and staff have three options for receiving help with technical and online course support issues:

  • Call 1-619-388-6800 to speak with a representative of MySDCCD
  • Support Online

All voicemail and email messages will be promptly answered as received and certainly by no later than the next business day.

Student Accountability Model (SAM) Operations Manual
July 1984

This manual describes a system of procedures (or model) constructed for the purpose of improving occupational student follow-up in California community colleges. It is hoped that the manual will be of assistance to the colleges in (1) evaluating and planning their occupational programs and in (2) completing required enrollment and follow-up forms related to vocational education.

Student Attendance Accounting Manual

The Student Attendance Accounting Manual is a set of statutory and regulatory guidelines related to California Community College student workload measurements for apportionment purposes and residency issues.


TOP Codes, Sixth Ed.

This 6th Edition is the first revision since 1995. In this edition, codes and titles have been added for many new types of programs, some titles associated with existing codes have been modernized, and some misaligned hierarchies have been corrected. One new major category, “03 – Environmental Sciences and Technologies,” has been created. In July 2013, additional minor corrections were made.


UC, Traditional Transfer

Community college can be a great place to begin your University of California education. In Fall 2011, approximately 20,000 students transferred from California's community colleges to the University.

U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and the formation of the Secretary of Education's Commission on the Future of Higher Education. The new commission is charged with developing a comprehensive national strategy for postsecondary education that will meet the needs of America's diverse population and also address the economic and workforce needs of the country's future.


WebAIM's mission is to expand the potential of the Web for people with disabilities by providing the knowledge, technical skills, tools, organizational leadership strategies, and vision that empower organizations to make their own content accessible to people with disabilities.