Food Services
Our campus Food Services provides nutritious and diverse food options. Dining stations offer grilled items, pizza, and vegetarian and vegan options. Set up an account for easy ordering on the Company Kitchen app (Google Play | iTunes).
All colleges have convenience stores for "grab-and-go" items, coffee kiosks, and various vending options where students can quickly access snacks and beverages, especially convenient during hours or at locations where Food Services are not easily accessible or are not open.
City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges offer catering options for special events and meetings in partnership with Company Kitchen, with options ranging from continental or hot breakfasts, hot lunch buffets or bagged lunches and salads, and a variety of appetizers, snacks, and dessert items.
Catering services can also be arranged for all College of Continuing Education campuses.
A catering account must be set up at each campus to process catering orders.
How to Create A Catering AccountCity College
Mesa College
Miramar College
Frequently Asked Questions About Catering
We require three full business days’ notice for CK catering menu orders and final counts. We require five full business days’ notice for special and custom “off-menu” orders and final counts. Your order confirmation email will come from cksupport@365smartshop.com
Yes, orders may be further customized after the initial submittal. Special menu requests can be accommodated. Please contact the campus Catering Managers for assistance.
City College – Joseph Phillips
Mesa College – Arianna Becerra
Miramar College - John Ramirez
College of Continuing Education – Request services through City College
The catering company currently serving the campuses, Company Kitchen, shall be granted the 'first right of refusal' for any new catering opportunities. This means that before any outside vendor is considered, Company Kitchen must be offered the chance to accept or decline the opportunity under the same terms and conditions.
External groups renting a campus facility for an event may use Company Kitchen or, depending on their rental agreement, a vendor from a pre-approved list. Campus Event Coordinators can also work with external groups to request consideration of new vendors to add to the pre-approved list. See also Event Rentals and Services.
Unless stated otherwise, our minimum guest count of 10 people is required for all catering orders.
Yes, but catering outside our regular hours of operation is subject to additional service charges.
All invoices will be sent to the person requesting catering services. Terms are net 30 days. Payments must be processed promptly or be subject to interest charges. Additional charges will be applied for any catering equipment that is not returned. Invoices will be paid via an individual payment request to Myron Green Corp., Supplier #0003005251.
Related Policies and Procedures:
Board Policy 6905
Administrative Procedure 6905.1 – District Enterprise Activities and Food Vending