How to Access DSPS Services

On this page:

Step 1 | Apply to the College of Your Choice

You must have completed the San Diego Community College District Application and received your Student ID Number before you can register for DSPS Services. To access the DSPS Registration form, you will need to log in with your mySDCCD User ID and password. For general information about application to the colleges, check out the New Students Page.

Step 2 | Complete the DSPS Application

If you are new to DSPS Services in the San Diego Community College District, the first step is to register using the button below.

Register for DSPS Services

STEP 3 | Document Disability

Students provide documentation of a qualified disability to DSPS to support requests for academic accommodations. This can be accomplished in several ways, including by a medical or mental health professional, learning disability assessment, school records that include an IEP or 504 Plan, and through the interactive process. DSPS will review documentation you have available, or you may use the SDCCD DSPS Verification of Disability form.

STEP 4 | Meet with DSPS Counselor

Students participate in an interactive process with a DSPS Counselor to determine eligibility for and to reach an agreement on an effective and reasonable academic accommodation plan. In this meeting, student and counselor will review SDCCD DSPS Service Guidelines.

STEP 5 | Present Authorized Accommodations Letter to instructors

Students work with DSPS Counselor to make a request for accommodations in a timely manner each semester, and provide their academic accommodation letter to their instructor(s).

Forms & Information

SDCCD DSPS Verification of Disability form 
SDCCD DSPS Service Guidelines


District Disability Support Programs and Services

3375 Camino del Rio South, Room 275 | San Diego, CA 92108
619-388-6983 (voice) | 619-388-6534 (fax) | 619-550-3389 (videophone)


Campus DSPS Contacts

City College DSPS

Phone Icon619-388-3513
Location IconCity College, Room A-122
City College DSPS

Mesa College DSPS

Phone Icon619-388-2780
Location IconMesa College, Room 14-405
Mesa College DSPS

Miramar College DSPS

Phone Icon619-388-7312
Location IconMiramar College, Room K1-204
Miramar College DSPS

College of Continuing Education DSPS

Person IconDean of DSPS
Phone Icon619-388-1965
College of Continuing Education DSPS