Equity and Special Funded Programs

The Equity and Special Funded Programs department provides support and coordination to advance exemplary educational practices that maximize student access, learning, and success through equity, inclusion, and social justice across each of the San Diego Community College District's four colleges, San Diego City College, San Diego Mesa College, San Diego Miramar College, and College of Continuing Education, and the broader San Diego community.
Areas of Focus
Basic Needs | Black Student Success | Categorical Funds
LGTBQ+ Pride Centers | PATH Program |
Districtwide Engagement in Special Initiatives | Veterans Services
International Education and Study Abroad Programs | Student Equity and Advancement | Undocumented Support Services

International Education
The districtwide International Education Committee is charged with advancing student global learning outcomes through the enhancement of international education opportunities.
Black Student Success
The Black Student Success Workgroup addresses the success of Black students throughout the San Diego Community College District.

PATH Program
A collaborative transfer support program between SDCCD and the UC San Diego Division of Arts and Humanities.
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