Registration Information
For information about the mySDCCD student portal, please view our information page.
mySDCCD Offers many services including:
- Class schedule search
- Class deadline (Add, Refund, Drop, P/NP, Withdraw)
- MyPlanner (a useful tool to help organize and load courses from your degree requirements into your shopping cart)
- Registration - enroll, drop & withdraw from classes
- Purchase a parking permit
- Pay fees and view payment records
- Purchase an Associated Students MEmbership
- Waitlist activities--adding, dropping and waitlist status
- Pass/No Pass grading options
- View Financial Aid status
- View Attendance hours for tracking classes
- View placement levels (ENGL & MATH Milestones)
- Academic deadlines and calendar
- Grade information
- Academic history
- Petitions to graduate
- Ordering transcripts
- View 1098-T tax information
- View your registration date and time
Download the Quick Guide to Admission & Registration
APPLY FOR ADMISSION to City or Mesa or Miramar
College at CCCApply (Only 1 app needed for all 3
colleges). -
Set up your mySDCCD account.
Receive your date and time to register
- Veterans & Military, foster youth, homeless. DSPS, EOPS, Parents of underage children and athletes may be eligible for priority registration. See below for details.
Gather the necessary course and class information
- Review the College Catalog for degree requirements
- Complete the Academic Planner by adding courses from your Ed Plan Requirements – using the paper form, see below
- Review the Class Schedule
- Identify desired classes
- Check prerequisites have been met
- Note Class Reference Number
- Note class meeting dates and times
- Note location if class is off campus
- Note any textbooks required (
icon in the class search indicates the course has Free Digital Materials)
- Know the Class Deadline Dates (Add, Drop, Refund, P/NP, Withdrawal)
- Review the College Catalog for degree requirements
Register for classes on mySDCCD
- Log into the mySDCCD student portal - mySDCCD is where all class registration is conducted: adding, dropping, waitlists, Pass/NoPass grade option changes, withdrawing, paying fees, checking awards and Financial Aid, grades, and Academic Planning.
- Under the My Classes pagelet click Enroll - Registration is a 3 step process in mySDCCD
- Placing classes in your cart is the first step.
- Follow the directions for Enrolling classes and select Waitlist: If the class you want is full, you have the option of selecting to be put on the Wait List. See below for details.
- Finalize Enrollment
Pay Tuition and Fees
- All mandatory fees must be paid by the deadline as stated on mySDCCD or students will be dropped for non-payment. Go to Tuition & Fees for more details.
- If you are receiving Financial Aid, it is your responsibility to check that your fees have been paid by the deadline, Including Health Fees.
- If you are receiving a California College Promise Grant (CCPG), the funding only applies to your enrollment fees and does not cover the mandatory Student Health Fee, with the exception of students eligible for CCPG-A.
Purchase additional items as necessary
- Buy a Parking Pass
- Buy a Bus/Trolley Pass
- Buy an Associated Student Membership
- Buy Books
New Students – Pick up your student ID card at the Admissions Office
Zero Cost Digital Materials 
Courses that exclusively use digital course materials are free of charge to students and therefore are not required to be purchased. Note that there may be a low-cost option for print versions of digital materials. Digital materials include, but are not limited to: course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. The class schedule will have this icon next to classes that offer zero cost digital material.
Registration Help
If you are having trouble logging into or using mySDCCD or have questions about the registration process, contact the Student Support Center at
The mySDCCD portal requires the following for optimal use:
- An up-to-date browser (Chrome 58+, Firefox 65+, Internet Explorer 11, Safari 10.x +)
- 'Pop-Ups' enabled for our domain site: ""
To ensure your browser or devices meet these requirements, go to mySDCCD Portal Guide for step by step instructions.
Many questions are answered at the Student Support Center, and a help tick may also be filed. You can also email your college Enrollment Services or Admissions Office here:
College | |
Online Learning Pathways is a program offered by the San Diego Community College District where you can complete quality courses developed and taught online by instructors from our colleges.
If you registered for any Online Courses, go to the SDCCD Online Learning Pathways website to get started.
In accordance with federal regulations, City, Mesa and Miramar colleges may not permit students residing outside of California to enroll in online classes without approval of the state where the student resides. Students residing in a non-approved state/territory are not permitted to enroll in online classes and will be dropped. Check here for an up to date list of restricted states and territories.
Important Deadlines
There are important deadlines which can be different for each class depending on when the class meets and the session start and end date. Important Deadlines include:
- Deadline to Receive, Process & Pay for Add Codes
- Deadline to Drop Classes with No "W" recorded.
- Deadline to Drop & be Eligible for Refund of Enrollment Fees &/or Non- Resident Tuition
- Deadline to select Pass/No Pass option
- Withdrawal Deadline - No drops accepted after this date
Make sure to review the deadlines for each of your classes:
Deadlines for specific classes can be found in the online Class Schedule. Click on the calendar icon next to the class that you are interested in viewing. If you are unable to locate the Class Schedule, contact the Admissions Office for assistance.
NOTE: Processing of an add code includes making full payment by the deadline date as indicated on mySDCCD. Financial Aid students must also process their financial aid payments, and pay the health fee (as applicable), through mySDCCD. Please note that CCPG does not pay for student health fees, with the exception of CCPG-A.
It is your responsibility to adhere to the deadlines. No late adds or drops will be processed.
Semester Academic Calendar
The Semester Academic Calendar includes key dates for applying for admission, registration deadlines, holidays, grade availability and more.
Class Schedule
Go here to view the class schedules for upcoming terms: Online Class Schedule
This online version of the Class Schedule displays new classes, cancellations, and changes after the printed schedule has been distributed. Students can search for classes by academic subject, time and day, key words, location, and more.
PLAN AHEAD! All prerequisites, corequisites, and limitations on enrollment stated in the course descriptions listed in the college catalog will be strictly enforced at the time of registration. Students who do not meet the prerequisite, corequisite, or other limitation according to college records will not be permitted to register for the course. Students who believe they have met the prerequisite at another institution are strongly advised to have all transcripts of prior college work evaluated and on file well in advance of registration to minimize registration delays.
Download the Prerequisite/Corequisite List
Students should plan their schedules early and see a counselor for assistance.
Prerequisites – Courses that must be completed with a "C" or better prior to registration in a specific course.
Corequisites – Courses that are required to be taken the same semester as another course.
Limitations on Enrollment – Other restrictions that are stated in the course description such as "not open to students with credit in..."
Course Repetition – Limitations on Active Participatory Courses
Challenge Procedures
Students who believe they have sufficient grounds may challenge a prerequisite, corequisite, or limitation on enrollment. A student may obtain a Petition to Challenge in the Admissions Office. The completed petition must be filed in the Admissions Office no later than ten working days prior to the published add deadline for the course being challenged. Students who challenge a prerequisite or corequisite after the start of the semester must obtain an add code issued by the instructor prior to completing the petition. Contact the College Admissions Office for additional information.
Students who attempt to register in a class that is closed may select the option to have their name placed on a Waitlist. Waitlisting is not a guaranteed priority for enrollment.
- Students may place their name on only one Waitlist for a specific subject and course number.
- Students must meet course prerequisites to be placed on the Waitlist.
- Students who are on a Waitlist, and later choose to enroll in another class section of the same subject and course number will be required to remove themselves from the Waitlisted class before they can ADD the similar class section.
- Students can check their Waitlist Position on mySDCCD.
- Students have the option to remove themselves from the Waitlist at any time.
- There is a limit to the number of students allowed on each Waitlist.
- When a space becomes available in the waitlisted class:
- Waitlisted students will automatically be added to the class if a space becomes available and they are eligible to enroll. An email will be sent to students after they have been added to the class.
- When adding the class will cause the student to exceed the maximum number of units allowed in a term, the student will be removed from the waitlist.
- When students are not eligible to enroll due to a hold or time conflict or failed requisite, the student will be given three (3) business days, including the day of notification, to resolve the issue. If students do not add their Waitlisted class within the 3-day period, they will be removed from the waitlist.
- It is the students' responsibility to check their e-mail or mySDCCD notifications for the status of their Waitlisted class(es) in order to pay fees in a timely manner. (Fees will need to be paid prior to the drop for non-payment date or the class start date if sooner)
- Students remaining on the Waitlist in an oncampus class after the class begin, MUST attend the first class meeting (and be on time) to have their Waitlist priority considered by the instructor.
- For an online faculty directory, please visit: