Board Goals
Board of Trustees
Goals for 2023-24
The year 2022-23 was a time of transition for the San Diego Community College District. The district completed a districtwide reorganization and welcomed two new vice chancellors. In addition, the retirement of a long-standing vice chancellor of finance and business services and a new vice chancellor was hired. In addition, toward the end of the year, we began the search for a permanent chancellor, which will continue in 2023-24.
After almost two years under COVID-19 restrictions, the district office and the colleges began to welcome back employees and students in person and continued progress toward removing COVID-19-related restrictions. The Board continues to be grateful for the progress and steps taken to ensure the safety of students and employees and expresses its sincere thanks to all district employees.
The 2022-23 year proved to be a breakthrough for affordable student housing with the state’s commitment of $75 million to City College to build the district’s first student housing project. The district also received $3.4 million in federal community project funding grants and $3.9 million in state funding grants to support transitional age foster youth, veterans centers, Dreamers centers, and LGBTQIA+ centers.
Last year’s goals prioritized the Board’s focus on maintaining high levels of student success and well-being, financial stability and also reflected the Board’s commitment to social and racial justice. Our 2023-24 Board Goals continue to reflect these commitments within the context of the District’s Strategic Plan. Continuing and new goals are organized under the Strategic Plan Goals.
Strategic Plan Goal A: Student Success and Well Being
Provide resources and services to help students achieve their educational and career goals.
A-1. Support the District’s efforts to promote social justice and racial equity and success of students of color who have historically been disadvantaged through the support and refinement of existing programs and through the creation of new programs (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.4-5, IV.C.7) by:
A-1.1. Monitoring the District progress on the State Chancellor’s Office’s “Call to Action,” which is designed to actively strategize and act against structural racism in the California Community College System.
A-1.2. Monitoring on an annual basis the College Student Equity Plans as recommended in the Call to Action and support the Chancellor in the work to support and implement these plans.
A-2. Continue to monitor the impact of public health on student success and equity including monitoring local, state, and federal guidelines regarding ongoing and emerging epidemics and pandemics (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.1, IV.C.5) by:
A-2.1. Receiving regular updates from the Chancellor on the District’s response to the ongoing pandemic and changing public health guidelines to ensure the health and safety of students and staff.
A-3. Support programs designed to improve student success and continue to receive periodic reports on online vs on campus instruction and on overall student success with a focus on achievement of undeserved and disadvantaged students.
A-4. Increase the Board’s exposure to student voice through more opportunities for direct Board-to-student communication and contact by:
A-4.1. Participating in a districtwide annual workshop for student leaders and other student events during the year.
A-5. As part of regular reports on Student Equity and Success, receive information on the District’s progress in providing additional services to address student food and housing insecurity challenges.
A-6. Continue to support the expansion of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) to reduce escalating textbook costs for students in the San Diego Community College District (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5, IV.C.8) by:
A-6.1. As part of regular reports on Student Equity and Success, receiving updates on the progress made by each College to expand OER and ZTC resources for students. These reports should include information on the usage and impact of OER textbooks on the success of students from other historically marginalized communities.
A-7. Ensure Community Connectivity (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.4.) by:
A-7.1. Supporting and attending meetings of the Trustee Advisory Council (TAC).
A-7.1.1. Continuing to work with the Chancellor to make TAC meetings more interactive with increased participation from TAC members.
A-7.2. Continuing to extend invitations to TAC members and other appropriate community leaders for Commencements and other District/College events.
A-7.3. Supporting and attending various community events.
A-7.4. Supporting efforts to deliver County and City services to our students that help them overcome barriers, such as food and housing insecurity, to their educational success at SDCCD.
A-8. Encourage and support efforts at all SDCCD campuses to ensure students have access to the following services:
A-8.1. Health services
A-8.2. Mental Health Services
A-8.3. Basic Needs
A-8.4. Childcare
A-9. Continue to participate in advocacy for state funding for student success programs and expansion of full-time faculty, which can also have a positive impact on student success.
Strategic Plan Goal B: Academic Excellence
Promote, enhance, and sustain academic excellence through innovative programs that inspire and prepare students for a successful future and lifelong learning.
B-1. Continue joint planning with the San Diego Unified School District and conduct an annual joint Board meeting to monitor the joint Goals (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5, IV.C.8).
B-1.1. Continuing in the joint commitment to equitably increase the representation of Black, Latinx, and LGBTQIA+ students who apply for and participate in the Promise Program.
B-1.2. Expanding marketing beyond traditional transfer programs to include workforce training programs (e.g., cosmetology, culinary, fashion design).
B-1.3. Continuing efforts from last joint meeting to expand partnership to include the San Diego City Council.
B-1.4. Continuing to focus on the expansion of dual enrollment classes and improving alignment of career pathways with San Diego unified programs.
B-2. Support the District’s investment in and implementation of new and emerging technology for teaching and student learning (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5, IV.C.8).
Strategic Plan Goal C: Workforce Development
Align educational programs with workforce realities and pathways for success.
C-1. Increase interaction with local and regional businesses and agencies to promote the District’s impact on economic development (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5) by:
C-1.1. Communicating significant plans, achievements, and issues including developing more avenues and programs for the recognition of partnerships and volunteer support.
C-1.2. Monitoring and receiving information on the District’s use of locally owned businesses for vendors, services, and supplies and exploring partnerships with regional agencies that might assist in this goal supplies, including a breakdown of the demographics of the ownership of the businesses in use.
C-1.3. Continuing the productive working relationship with the Board of the San Diego Workforce Partnership to jointly address workforce needs in the region including advocacy for racial equity in employment and compensation as a priority for the San Diego Workforce Partnership and the region.
C-2. Support the District’s ongoing efforts to increase the number of baccalaureate programs offered at its colleges (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5) by:
C-2.1. Advocating at the state level with legislators, leadership of the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, University of California, and California State University.
C-2.2. Collaborating with the California Community College Baccalaureate Association and the national Community College Baccalaureate Association to further expand community college baccalaureate opportunities.
Strategic Plan Goal D: Financial Health
Achieve fiscal stability and long-term financial viability.
D-1. Ensure the ongoing fiscal stability of the District (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.1; IV.C.5) by:
D-1.1. Participating in Budget preparation via Board Subcommittee and regular reports from the Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business Services.
D-1.2. Supporting the expansion of full-time faculty to serve students at all District colleges (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.4)
D-1.3. Advocating for additional state funding for full time faculty in the 2024-25 state budget.
D.1.4. Implementing a budget allocation and campus allocation model which equitably funds the four colleges and District operations.
D-2. Support the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the District and receive annual reports on the progress of each Strategic Plan goal (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5).
D-3. Maintain an advocacy effort at the state level to preserve and increase funding of community colleges including:
D-3.1. Increasing and stabilizing funding for:
D-3.1.1. CalSTRS and CalPERS
D-3.1.2. Deferred maintenance
D-3.1.3. Student Housing
D-3.1.4. Basic Needs
D-3.2. Continue to advocate for additional base funding as part of the Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) and monitor the district’s progress toward increasing attainment of supplemental funding available in the SCFF.
D-3.3. Advocating for equitable funding rates for noncredit students.
D-3.4. Seeking major reform of the 50% Law and the Faculty Obligation Number (FON) to reflect current staffing and technology realities.
Strategic Plan Goal E: State of the Art Facilities
Increase efficiency, health, safety, service levels, conservation, sustainability, resilience, access, and inclusion, and physical asset protection and management in support of the District’s mission.
E-1. Advocate for a General Obligation bond for 2024 to support priorities from the colleges’ and District’s facilities strategic plans..
E-2. Support efforts currently underway to build affordable student housing.
E-2.1. Ensuring housing developments incorporate wrap-around services
E-2.1.1. Childcare centers (both drop-in and affiliated with Child Development Programs
E-2.1.2. Mental Health services
E.2.1.3. Academic counselors
E-2.1.4. Health services
E-2.1.5. Financial Aid classified professionals
E-3. Ensure that the District remains a prominent leader in sustainable practices (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5.) by:
E-3.1. Ensuring that the District continually assesses alternative opportunities that would reduce the District’s overall impact on the environment. Supporting the District’s participation in regional climate change coordinating efforts.
E-3.2. Receiving a yearly report on the District’s progress on energy and water conservation, waste reduction and climate literacy initiatives.
E-3.3. Supporting the District’s strategic planning and action to ensure all of the District’s operations align with environmental sustainability and reduce the District’s impact on the local environment.
Strategic Plan Goal F: Institutional Resiliency
Optimize organizational performance, enhance District-Wide collaboration, and strengthen institutional resilience.
F-1. Complete the search process for a new Chancellor (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.3) by:
F.1.1. Ensuring a process that includes input from key District stakeholders and the community.
F.1.2. Ensuring the implementation of a search process that supports and encourages applications from a diverse and qualified pool of applicants.
F.1.3. Creating a process that provides for a successful onboarding of the new Chancellor to ensure they begin their duties with a complete understanding of the District and its challenges and opportunities.
F-2. Maintain the reserve fund to support future liabilities related to post-employment benefits:
F.2.1. Pension liabilities for California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) and California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS).
F.2.2. Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), including retiree health benefits.
F-3. Ensure that the District achieves a two-month General Fund Unrestricted reserve to be consistent with the State Chancellor’s Office guidance that all districts maintain a two-month reserve.
F-4. Continue to provide leadership and support for the San Diego Promise Initiative (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5, IV.C.8):
F-4.1. As part of regular reports on Student Equity and Success, receiving a yearly report on the Promise Program including (1) efforts to equitably increase the representation of students from historically marginalized communities applying to the program, (2) outreach efforts to ensure that middle and high school students and their parents are aware of the Promise program, and (3) an ongoing evaluation component to ensure the continued implementation of the Promise program.
F-4.2. Supporting continued fundraising efforts for the San Diego Promise Initiative during the 2023-24 year.
F.5. Support progress toward workforce diversity in alignment with the diversity of the District’s student communities to support student success outcomes Initiative (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5, IV.C.8):
F-5.1. Monitoring the District’s efforts to increase the diversity of its workforce through strategic recruitment, advertising, job fairs, and revisions to the District’s hiring policies and processes.
F-5.2. Receiving regular reports on hiring and diversity of employees and students.
F.6. Ensure that the District maintains a strong Leadership Development program and Succession Plan (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5; IV.C.8) by:
F-6.1. Continuing to support the District’s Leadership Development Academies by receiving a report on the demographic details of Academy participants.
F-6-2. Continuing to provide Peer Mentorship.
F-6.3. Receiving an annual report on participation and outcomes of the Academies including feedback from historically marginalized communities about their experience with this program and suggestions for improvement.
F-7. Support the four colleges and district efforts to improve student success measures and equity in student outcomes (ACCJC Accreditation Standard IV.C.1; IV.C.4-5; IV.C.8) by:
F-7.1. As part of regular reports on Student Equity and Success, receiving a report on student outcomes at each college and District progress toward meeting the State Vision for Success Goals with broad demographic data including LGBTQIA+ categories (with “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” as categories).
F-8. Review key accreditation standards and practices for good governance and use them as part of the Board’s annual self-evaluation process (ACCJC Accreditation Standards IV.C.1-13).
F-8.1. Continuing to work collaboratively with the Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of Institutional Innovation and Effectiveness to improve the value, statistical significance, and response rate the feedback survey used by the Board for its annual evaluation.
ATTACHMENT A: San Diego Community College District/San Diego Unified School District Joint Five-year Strategic Goals
ATTACHMENT B: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accreditation Standard IV.C. 1-13
The following areas of focus are submitted for consideration by the San Diego Community College Board of Trustees and The San Diego Unified School District Board of Governors to inform revised goals for the 2022-23 year and beyond. Preliminary recommendations were submitted for the March 15 Joint Board meeting. Board comments, questions, and discussion during the goal setting section of the meeting were recorded and incorporated into the following revised recommendations.
Recommended Joint Board Goals
Across all joint board goals, ensure a commitment to equity and data informed practices. Focus joint partnership efforts on increasing the success of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Dreamers, and LGBTQ+ students.
Goal 1
- College, Career, and Civic/Global Life Readiness - Continue commitment to maintaining an accountability strategy that includes a clear message to students, parents, and the community that college, career, and civic/global life readiness is the measure of accountability for SDUSD and provide professional development for K-12 teachers and counselors to focus on college, career, & civic/global life preparedness.
- Provide regular updates on College & Career Readiness Metric
- Promote student leadership development and increase awareness of leadership opportunities within transitions
- Increase connections between high school and Community College student government bodies
- Provide shared leadership training
- Expand CC student trustee vote from advisory to full vote
- Increase access to entrepreneurship and financial literacy concepts.
- Provide opportunities for students to learn about labor rights and labor history
- Increase connections between high school and Community College student government bodies
- Fully implement Early Commitment to College & Career programming & Adopt - A School Model
- Integrate information about early college credit opportunities, career pathways, and Promise into all outreach activities
- Integrate San Diego Unified into Community College Outreach Services within Community
- Leverage student interests and engage students in program planning
Goal 2
- Strategic Enrollment Management & Marketing - Ensure equitable access, outcomes, and transitions
- Leverage data to support improved, equitable student access and success.
- Continue to track student outcomes data at the district and school site/college levels (aggregate and disaggregate), including longitudinal data to track improvement over time.
- Leverage Disproportionate Impact analysis to inform additional disaggregation.
- Prioritize disaggregation by race/ethnicity. When possible additionally disaggregate by grade levels, gender, and special population (undocumented, LGBTQ+, Disability)
- Provide opportunities for site & role specific engagement with data on access and outcomes.
- Expand early college credit data reporting.
- Report on concurrent enrollment (in addition to CCAP and CBE)
- Expand reporting to include early college credit unit accumulation and transitions into college
- Include grade level data to showcase access and participation through the full high school experience
- Continue to track student outcomes data at the district and school site/college levels (aggregate and disaggregate), including longitudinal data to track improvement over time.
- Create data informed, intentional joint marketing and outreach, for support and connectivity services at the campuses, specifically for Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Students, LGBTQ+ Students, and Undocumented Students, including families and the community.
- Collaboratively hold events for Black, Latinx, Indigenous, LGBTQ, and Undocumented students
- Increase inclusivity of events for families and community members
- Equitably expand and improve early college credit opportunities, specifically access and outcomes within College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) and High School Articulation Credit by Exam
- Leverage comprehensive reports to inform interventions that focus on improving equitable access and outcomes of disproportionately impacted student groups within CCAP, ACP, and Credit by Exam.
- Strengthen and expand pathway planning
- Increase number of grade eligible students who receive credit through the credit by exam process
- Promote Early College Credit opportunities through in-person, online, digital, and print mediums
- Strengthen K12 to noncredit and credit postsecondary programs and pathway alignment with a focus on noncredit and credit certificate completion strategies for high-wage, high-demand careers and transition support
- Increase SDUSD student awareness of noncredit programs and pathways
- Provide CC program training to outreach staff and high school counselors (increase awareness of programs)
- Increase SDUSD student enrollment in the Promise Program through promotion of Promise earlier in the student journey and by ensuring all seniors have an opportunity to complete the Promise application.
- Expand access to the Promise for part-time students
- Integrate Promise into all outreach activities
- Leverage data to support improved, equitable student access and success.
Goal 3
- Wellbeing and Belonging
- Collaborate on tiered student supports - explore opportunities to partner on social emotional, mental health, disability support services, and tutoring activities.
- Collaborate on opportunities to address students’ sense of safety and belonging
- Provide opportunity for board leadership to coordinate on public health emergencies.
Goal 4
- Legislation, Alignment, Fundraising, & Collaborative Grants - Continue to collaborate on legislation that impacts both K-12 and the community colleges individually, and collectively while also seeking out new funding opportunities to support joint partnership goals and collaborate on grant applications to support the work.
- Align LCAP & SDCCD Strategic Planning
- Connect to the San Diego City Council
- Explore shared goals and formalization of alignment
- Increase Council Liaison awareness of the joint partnership, programs, and pathways
- Pursue opportunities to promote “Free College for all”
Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges,
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Accreditation Standard IV: Leadership and Governance
C. Governing Board
1. The institution has a governing board that has authority over and responsibility for policies to assure the academic quality, integrity, and effectiveness of the student learning programs and services and the financial stability of the institution. (ER 7)
2. The governing board acts as a collective entity. Once the board reaches a decision, all board members act in support of the decision.
3. The governing board adheres to a clearly defined policy for selecting and evaluating the CEO of the college and/or the district/system.
4. The governing board is an independent, policy-making body that reflects the public interest in the institution's educational quality. It advocates for and defends the institution and protects it from undue influence or political pressure. (ER 7)
5. The governing board establishes policies consistent with the college/district/system mission to ensure the quality, integrity, and improvement of student learning programs and services and the resources necessary to support them. The governing board has ultimate responsibility for educational quality, legal matters, and financial integrity and stability.
6. The institution or the governing board publishes the board bylaws and policies specifying the board's size, duties, responsibilities, structure, and operating procedures.
7. The governing board acts in a manner consistent with its policies and bylaws. The board regularly assesses its policies and bylaws for their effectiveness in fulfilling the college/district/system mission and revises them as necessary.
8. To ensure the institution is accomplishing its goals for student success, the governing board regularly reviews key indicators of student learning and achievement and institutional plans for improving academic quality.
9. The governing board has an ongoing training program for board development, including new member orientation. It has a mechanism for providing for continuity of board membership and staggered terms of office.
10. Board policies and/or bylaws clearly establish a process for board evaluation. The evaluation assesses the board's effectiveness in promoting and sustaining academic quality and institutional effectiveness. The governing board regularly evaluates its practices and performance, including full participation in board training, and makes public the results. The results are used to improve board performance, academic quality, and institutional effectiveness.
11. The governing board upholds a code of ethics and conflict of interest policy, and individual board members adhere to the code. The board has a clearly defined policy for dealing with behavior that violates its code and implements it when necessary. A majority of the board members have no employment, family, ownership, or other personal financial interest in the institution. Board member interests are disclosed and do not interfere with the impartiality of governing body members or outweigh the greater duty to secure and ensure the academic and fiscal integrity of the institution. (ER 7)
12. The governing board delegates full responsibility and authority to the CEO to implement and administer board policies without board interference and holds the CEO accountable for the operation of the district/system or college, respectively.
13. The governing board is informed about the Eligibility Requirements, the Accreditation Standards, Commission policies, accreditation processes, and the college's accredited status, and supports through policy the college's efforts to improve and excel. The board participates in evaluation of governing board roles and functions in the accreditation process.