Board Policies & Administrative Procedures
District board policies and administrative procedures are divided into chapters and organized by subject area.
Board Policy (BP)
Board policy is the voice of the Board of Trustees and defines the general goals and acceptable practices for the operation of the District. It implements federal and state laws and regulations. The Board of Trustees, through policy, delegates authority to and through the Chancellor to administer the District. The Chancellor and District employees are responsible to reasonably interpret Board policy as well as other relevant laws and regulations that govern the District.
Administrative Procedure (AP)
Administrative procedures implement Board policy, laws, and regulations and are approved through the District's participatory governance process. They address how the general goals of the District are achieved and define operations of the District. They include details of policy implementation, responsibility, accountability, and standards of practice. Procedures do not require Board of Trustees action.
Board Policies and Administrative ProceduresThe San Diego Community College District's Board Policies and Administrative Procedures are currently being updated and renumbered to align with the Community College League of California's (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service. As current policies are revised and new policies are written, they will be approved by the governing board and posted to the web site. During the revision process, there will be occasional duplication of numbers. Once the process is completed, any duplication in numbering will be eliminated.
A flowchart of the District's policy and procedure making and revision process can be found here.
For questions regarding policies and procedures, please contact Supervisor, Chancellor's Office Operations Amanda Ficken-Davis, who will refer you to the appropriate contact. Email or call (619) 388-6957.
- BP 2010 ~~Board Membership
- BP 2015 ~~Student Members
- AP 2015 ~~Student Members
- BP 2100 ~~Board Elections
- AP 2100~~Board Elections
- BP 2105 ~~Election of Student Member(s)
- AP 2105~~Election of Student Members
- BP 2110 ~~Vacancies on the Board
- AP 2110 ~~Vacancies on the Board
- BP 2200 ~~Board Duties and Responsibilities
- BP 2210 ~~Officers
- BP 2220 ~~Committees of the Board
- BP 2305 ~~Annual Organizational Meeting
- BP 2310 ~~Regular Meetings of the Board
- BP 2315 ~~Closed Sessions
- BP 2320 ~~Special and Emergency Meetings
- AP 2320 ~~Special and Emergency Meetings
- AP 2325~~Teleconferenced Meetings
- BP 2330 ~~Quorum and Votes
- BP 2340 ~~Agendas
- AP 2340 ~~Agendas
- BP 2345 ~~Public Participation at Board Meetings
- BP 2350 ~~Speakers
- BP 2355 ~~Decorum
- BP 2360 ~~Minutes
- AP 2360 ~~Minutes
- BP 2365 ~~Recording
- AP 2365 ~~Recording
- BP 2410 ~~Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
- BP 2430 ~~Delegation of Authority to the Chancellor
- BP 2431 ~~Chancellor Selection
- BP 2432 ~~Chancellor Succession
- BP 2435 ~~Evaluation of the Chancellor and College Presidents
- AP 2435 ~~Evaluation of the Chancellor
- BP 2436 ~~President Selection
- BP 2510 ~~Participation in Local Decision-making
- AP 2510 ~~Participation in Local Decision-making
- BP 2610 ~~Presentation of Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals
- BP 2710 ~~Conflict of Interest
- AP 2710 ~~Conflict of Interest
- AP 2712 ~~Conflict of Interest Code
- AP 2714 ~~Distribution of Tickets or Passes
- BP 2715 ~~Code of Ethics/Standards of Practice
- BP 2716 ~~Political Activity (Board of Trustees)
- BP 2717 ~~Board of Trustees Personal Use of Public Resources
- BP 2720 ~~Communications among Board Members
- BP 2725 ~~Board Member Compensation
- BP 2730 ~~Board Member Health Benefits
- BP 2735 ~~Board Member Travel
- AP 2735 ~~Board Member Travel
- BP 2740 ~~Board Education
- BP 2745 ~~Board Evaluation and Goal-Setting
- BP 2750 ~~Board Member Absence from the State
- BP 2820~~Trustee Advisory Council
- BP 6100 ~~Web Policy
- AP 6100.1~~Web Principles and Standards
- BP 6100 ~~Delegation of Authority, Business and Fiscal Affairs
- BP 6125 ~~Fraud Policy and Whistleblower Protection
- BP 6150 ~~Designation of Authorized Signatures
- AP 6150 ~~Designation of Authorized Signatures
- BP 6200 ~~Budget Preparation
- AP 6200~~Budget Preparation
- BP 6250 ~~Budget Management
- AP 6250~~Budget Management
- AP 6250.1 ~~Associated Students Budget
- BP 6300 ~~Fiscal Management
- AP 6300~~Fiscal Management
- AP 6300.2 ~~Library Overdue Notice
- AP 6300.3 ~~Student Emergency Loan Fund
- AP 6300.4 ~~Associated Students Petty Cash Fund
- AP 6300.5 ~~Associated Students Funds: Purchase of Equipment
- AP 6300.6 ~~Associated Students Banking
- AP 6300.7 ~~Associated Student Loans for Books and Supplies
- AP 6300.8 ~~Remote Image Deposit Procedure
- AP 6300.9 ~~Disputed Credit Card Procedure
- AP 6300.11 ~~Student Refunds
- AP 6300.12 ~~District Cashiering, Collections, and Deposits
- BP 6305 ~~Business and Financial
- BP 6307~~Debt Issuance and Management
- AP 6307~~Debt Issuance and Management
- BP 6320 ~~Investments
- AP 6320~~Investments
- BP 6330 ~~Purchasing and Contract Services
- AP 6330 ~~Purchase and Contract Services
- BP 6340 ~~Bids and Contracts
- AP 6340~~Bids and Contracts
- AP 6365~~Contracts- Accessibility of Information Technology
- BP 6350 ~~Equitable Opportunities for Business Enterprises
- AP 6350.1 ~~Equitable Opportunities for Business Enterprises
- BP 6400 ~~Financial Audits
- AP 6400 ~~Financial Audits
- BP 6480 ~~Grants
- AP 6480.1 ~~Grant & Contract Administration
- BP 6500~~Property Management
- AP 6500~~Property Management
- BP 6520 ~~Security for District Property and Records
- AP 6520 ~~Security for District Property and Records
- AP 6535~~Use of District Equipment
- BP 6550 ~~Disposal of Property
- BP 6551 ~~Electronic Mail (EMail)
- BP 6740~~Citizens Oversight Committee
- AP 6740~~Citizens Oversight Committee
- BP 6800 ~~Occupational Health And Safety
- BP 6905 ~~Enterprise Activities
- BP 6970 ~~Green Building Policy and Major Renovation Standards
- AP 6970~Green Buildings
- Business Services Procedures Without Policies
- 0001 ~~Educational Master Plan
- 0002~~Access to District Records
- BP 0400 ~~Research Involving District Students
- AP 0400.1 ~~Procedures For Research Involving Human Subjects
- BP 0505 ~~Smoke and Tobacco-Free District Property
- 0509 ~~Political Activity of Officers and Employees
- 0531 ~~Use of District Mail Boxes and the Intradistrict Distribution System
- 0700 ~~Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- 0800 ~~Naming District Properties, Programs and Facilities
- 0900 ~~Gifts and Honoraria
- District Governance Procedures Without Policies
- 0020.1 ~~Districtwide Research Committee
- AP 0020.2 ~~Curriculum and Instructional Council
- AP 0020.3 ~~Student Services Council
- 0020.5 ~~Communications Council
- 0020.6 ~~District Governance Council
- AP 0020.7 ~~Management Services Council
- 0220.2 ~~Risk Management Council
- BP 6750 ~~Parking
- AP 6750.1 ~~Parking
- BP 6980~~Environmental Sustainability
- AP 8100.1~~Environmental Sustainability
- BP 7090 ~~Gift Donations
- AP 7090.1~~Gifts/Donations to District
- BP 7235 ~~Integrated Pest Management
- BP 7325 ~~Public Use of District Property
- - Addendum I
- AP 7325.2 ~~Public Use of District Property
- BP 7415 ~~Fire, Earthquake and Disaster Safety
- AP 7415.2 ~~Emergency Communications
- BP 7655 ~~Facilities Services Site Improvements
- AP 7655.1~~Request for Site Improvement
- BP 7760 ~~Lost and Found Property
- AP 7760.1 ~~Lost and Found
- BP 7980 ~~Construction Change Orders
- AP 7980.1 ~~Change Order Procedure
- BP 7990 ~~Selection Procedure: Professional Consulting Services
- BP 7999 ~~Parking Citation Adjudication
- BP 8101 ~~Green Cleaning Plan
- Facilities and Equipment Services Procedures Without Policies
- 7400.2 ~~Bomb Threats
- 7400.4 ~~Emergency Communication Procedures
- AP 7400.8 ~~Disaster Preparedness
- 7400.10 ~~Air Pollution Alerts
- 7400.12 ~~Fire/Arson
- 7400.14 ~~Hazardous Material Management Program
- AP 7981.1 ~~Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerskates, Rollerblades and Other Similar Devices
- BP 3050~~Civility and Mutual Respect
- BP 3100~~Organizational Structure
- AP 3100~~Organizational Structure
- BP 3200~~Accreditation
- AP 3200~~Accreditation
- BP 3225 ~~Institutional Effectiveness
- AP 3225 ~~Institutional Effectiveness
- BP 3310~~Records Retention and Destruction
- AP 3310~~Records Retention and Destruction
- BP 3410 ~~Nondiscrimination
- BP 3420 ~~Equal Employment Opportunity
- AP 3420~~Equal Employment Opportunity
- BP 3430 ~~Prohibition of Harassment
- AP 3430 ~~Prohibition of Harassment
- BP 3433 ~~Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
- BP 3433.1~~Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
- AP 3433 ~~Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
- AP 3433.1~~Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
- AP 3434 ~~Procedure for Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX
- AP 3434.1 ~~Procedure for Responding to Harassment Based on Sex Under Title IX
- AP 3435 ~~Discrimination and Harassment Investigations
- AP 3440 ~~Service Animals
- BP 3500 ~~Campus Safety
- BP 3501 ~~Campus Security and Access
- AP 3501~~Campus Security and Access
- BP 3505 ~~Emergency Response Plan
- BP 3510 ~~Workplace Violence Plan
- BP 3515 ~~Reporting of Crimes
- BP 3518 ~~Child Abuse Reporting
- BP 3520 ~~Local Law Enforcement
- BP 3530 ~~Weapons on Campus
- BP 3540 ~~Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
- AP 3540 ~~Sexual and Other Assaults on Campus
- BP 3550 ~~Drug Free Environment and Drug Prevention Program
- BP 3560~~Alcoholic Beverages
- BP 3600~~Auxiliary Organizations
- AP 3600~~Auxiliary Organizations
- BP 3710~~Use of Copyrighted Material
- BP 3720~~Computer and Network Use
- AP 3720~~Computer and Network Use
- AP 3721~~Email and Digitial Communications
- BP 3725 ~~Information and Communications Technology Accessibility & Acceptable Use
- BP 3810 ~~Claims Against the District
- AP 3810 ~~Claims Against the District
- BP 3900 ~~Posting and Distribution of Literature, Political Activities, Free Speech and Freedom of Expression on Campus and District Sites
- BP 3930~~Display of Flags
- AP 3930~~ Display of Flags
- 4015 ~~Concerted Activities
- 4115 ~~Drug Free Work Place
- BP 4120 ~~Consensual Relationships
- 4240 ~~Consultants
- BP 7100 ~~Commitment to Diversity
- AP 7100 ~~Commitment to Diversity
- BP 7110 ~~Delegation of Authority, Human Resources.
- AP 7110 ~~Delegation of Authority, Human Resources
- BP 7120 ~~Recruitment and Hiring
- AP 7120~~Recruitment and Hiring
- BP 7130 ~~Compensation
- AP 7130 ~~Compensation
- BP 7140 ~~Collective Bargaining
- AP 7150~~Evaluation
- BP 7160 ~~Professional Development
- AP 7160~~Professional Development
- AP 7170~~Remote Work
- AP 7180~~Employee Residency
- BP 7210 ~~Academic Employees
- BP 7230 ~~Classified Employees
- AP 7231 ~~Seniority
- AP 7232 ~~Classification Review
- AP 7233 ~~Claims for Work Out of Classification
- AP 7234 ~~Overtime
- AP 7236 ~~Substitute and Short Term Employees
- AP 7237 ~~Layoffs
- BP 7240 ~~Confidential Employees
- AP 7240 ~~Confidential Employees
- BP 7250 ~~Educational Administrators
- BP 7260 ~~Classified Supervisors and Managers
- BP 7310 ~~Nepotism
- AP 7310 ~~Nepotism
- BP 7330 ~~Communicable Disease: Tuberculosis
- BP 7335 ~~Health Examinations
- BP 7340 ~~Leaves
- AP 7340 ~~Leaves
- AP 7341 ~~Sabbaticals
- AP 7342 ~~Holidays
- BP 7345 ~~Catastrophic Leave Program
- AP 7345 ~~Catastrophic Leave Program
- AP 7346 ~~Employees Called to Military Duty
- AP 7347 ~~Paid Family Leave
- BP 7350 ~~Resignations
- BP 7360 ~~Discipline and Dismissals - Academic Employees
- BP 7365 ~~Discipline and Dismissals - Classified Employees
- BP 7370 ~~Political Activity
- AP 7370 ~~Political Activity
- BP 7380 ~~Retiree Health Benefits
- AP 7380~~Retiree Health Benefits: Academic Employees
- AP 7381 ~~Health and Welfare Benefits
- BP 7385 ~~Salary Deductions
- BP 7400~~Travel
- AP 7400~~Travel
- AP 6310.2 ~~Employee Reimbursement for Use of Personal Car
- BP 7510 ~~Domestic Partners
- BP 7600 ~~Police Department
- AP 7600~~College Police
- BP 7800 ~~Employee Conflict of Interest
- AP 7800 ~~Employee Conflict of Interest
- Human Resources Procedures Without Policies
- 4200.1 ~~Employment of Faculty
- 4200.2 ~~Employment of Instructional Staff - Adjunct
- 4200.3 ~~Employment of Substitute Instructors
- 4200.4 ~~Continuing Education Adjunct/Hourly/Substitute Faculty Hiring Procedure
- 4200.6 ~~Employment of Managers
- 4200.7 ~~Administrative Retreat Rights
- 4200.9 ~~Temporary Promotions of Staff
- 4260.1 ~~Health Evaluation and Medical Examination
- 4260.3 ~~Tuberculosis Examination
- 4800.1 ~~Injury and Illness Prevention Plan
- 4800.10 ~~Workers' Compensation - On-the-Job Injuries
- 4840.1 ~~Accidents, Employee Liability and Responsibility
- 4860.1 ~~Tax-Sheltered Annuities
- 4870.1 ~~Workplace Violence Procedure
- BP 4030 ~~Academic Freedom
- BP 4070~~Auditing Courses and Auditing Fees
- BP 4100~~Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
- BP 4106~~Nursing Programs
- AP 4106~~Nursing Programs
- BP 4225 ~~Course Repetition and Grade Alleviation
- AP 4225 ~~Course Repetition
- AP 4225.1 ~~Course Repetition by Students with Disabilities in Designated Educational Assistance Classes
- AP 4227~~Repeatable Courses
- BP 4230 ~~Grading and Academic Record Symbols
- AP 4230~~Grading and Academic Record Symbols
- BP 4231~~Grade Changes
- AP 4231~~Grade Changes
- AP 4232~~Pass/NoPass
- BP 4240~~Academic Renewal
- AP 4240~~Academic Renewal without Course Repetition
- AP 4250~~Student Academic Standing
- BP 4260~~Prerequisites, Corequisites, and Advisories
- BP 4300 ~~ Field Trips and Excursions
- AP 4300 ~~ Field Trips and Excursions
- BP 4400~~Community Service Offerings
- AP 4400~~Community Service Offerings
- BP 4401~~Catalog and Related Information
- BP 4500 ~~Student Publications
- AP 3102.2 ~~Student Publications
- BP 5020 ~~Curriculum Development
- AP 4019 ~~Instructional Program Review
- AP 5020 ~~Curriculum Development
- AP 4021 ~~Instructional Program Discontinuance
- AP 5022 ~~Course Approval
- BP 5025 ~~Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education
- BP 5040 ~~Library Services and Other Learning Resources
- BP 5050~~Articulation
- AP 4050 ~~Articulation
- BP 5060~~Delineation of Functions Agreement
- BP 5102 ~~Career and Technical Education Programs
- AP 5102~~Career Technical Education Programs
- AP 4103~~Work Experience Education
- AP 4104~~Contract Education
- AP 4105~~Distance Education
- BP 5151 ~~Military Services Education
- BP 5160 ~~Health Occupation Instruction
- BP 5235 ~~Credit for Prior Learning
- AP 5235 ~~Credit for Prior Learning
- AP 4236~~Advanced Placement of Credit
- Instructional Services Procedures Without Policies
- AP 4222~~Basic Skills Coursework
- 5120.1 ~~Dissemination of Information on Grant and Contract Opportunities
- 5120.3 ~~Development of Projects for Grants and Contracts
- 5120.5 ~~Writing Proposals for Grants and Contracts
- 5120.7 ~~Submission of Proposals for Grants and Contracts
- 5120.9 ~~Evaluation of Proposals not Funded
- 5140.1 ~~Contracted Services Provided by District
- 5140.5 ~~Contract Classes
- BP 3306 ~~Course Materials Adoption and Procurement
- BP 3900 ~~Academic Credit for Non-Traditional Education
- AP 3900.1 ~~Credit by Examination
- AP 3900.3 ~~Credit Available Through Military Experiences
- AP 3900.4 ~~Credit Available for Standardized Testing Programs
- AP 3900.5 ~~Credit Available For Courses Completed Through American Council On Education (ACE) / The National College Credit Recommendation Service (National CCRS)
- BP 5010 ~~Admission of College Students
- AP 5010 ~~Student Admission Status
- AP 5011~~Admission of Enrollment of High School and Other Young Students
- AP 5012 ~~International Students
- AP 5013~~Students in the Military
- BP 5015 ~~Residence Determination
- AP 5015 ~~Residence Determination
- BP 5020 ~~Nonresident Tuition
- AP 5020 ~~Nonresident Tuition
- BP 5030 ~~Fees
- Attachment A - Fee Schedule for School Year
- AP 5030 ~~Fees
- AP 5031~~Instructional Materials Fees
- BP 5035 ~~Withholding of Student Records
- AP 5035~~Withholding of Student Records
- BP 5040 ~~Student Records, Directory Information and Privacy
- BP 5050 ~~Student Equity and Achievement Program
- BP 5052 ~~Open Enrollment
- BP 5055 ~~Enrollment Priorities
- AP 5055 ~~Enrollment Priority And Open Enrollment
- BP 5070 ~~Attendance Accounting
- AP 5070 ~~College Class Attendance
- AP 5075~~Course Adds and Drops
- BP 5110 ~~Counseling
- AP 5110 ~~Counseling
- BP 5120 ~~Transfer Center
- AP 5120 ~~Transfer Center
- BP 5130 ~~Financial Aid
- AP 5130 ~~Financial Aid
- AP 5130.1~~Financial Aid Program Participation Agreement: Code of Conduct
- BP 5140 ~~Support Services, Programs and Disability Discrimination Procedures for Students with Disabilities
- BP 5150 ~~Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS)
- BP 5200 ~~Student Health Services
- AP 5203~~Lactation Accommodation
- BP 5205 ~~Student Accident Insurance
- BP 5210~~Communicable Disease
- AP 5210 ~~Communicable Disease
- BP 5220 ~~Student Access to Shower Facilities
- AP 5220 ~~Shower Facilities for Homeless Students
- BP 5400 ~~Associated Students Organizations
- BP 5410 ~~Associated Students Elections
- AP 5410 ~~Associated Students Elections
- BP 5420 ~~Associated Students Finance
- AP 5420 ~~Associated Students Finance
- BP 5500 ~~Student Rights, Responsibilities, Campus Safety and Administrative Due Process
- AP 5520 ~~Student Disciplinary Procedures
- AP 5530 ~~Student Grievance
- AP 3100.3 ~~Honest Academic Conduct
- AP 3100.4 ~~Volunteer/Visitor Conduct Expectations
- BP 5510 ~~Off-Campus Student Organization Locations
- BP 5570~~Student Credit Card Solicitations
- BP 5700 ~~Intercollegiate Athletics
- AP 5700 ~~Intercollegiate Athletics
- BP 5800 ~~Prevention of Identity Theft in Student Financial Transactions
- BP 1100 ~~The San Diego Community College District
- BP 1200 ~~District Mission