Career Preparation
The Career Centers at San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar College offer a number of resources to assist students in career planning and employment. Resources include:
- Career Information
- Occupational and Interest Inventories
- Resource Directories
- Career Assessments
- Job Listings
- Resume and Cover Letter Writing Assistance
- Interview Preparations
- Workshops
- Job Fairs
- Other Resources
Contact the Career Services on campus or visit the website to get started.
City College
Office A-301
City College Career Center
Mesa College
Office I4-306
Mesa College Career Center
Miramar College
Office B-203
Career Center Website
CalWORKs Program
The CalWORKs program at San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar College are designed to assist welfare recipient students and those in transition off of welfare to achieve long-term self-sufficiency. Specialized student services have been designed to support students in their career, education and personal goals. The programs are also setup to help students understand and meet their welfare-to-work requirements. Some of the student support services offered may include vocational counseling, academic counseling, work study and job placement.
For more information, contact the CalWORKs office on campus or visit the college websites.
City College
Office L-121
City College CalWorks
Mesa College
Office I4-309
Mesa College CalWorks
Miramar College
Office K-305
Miramar College CalWorks