Institutional Data and Reports
This section of the Institutional Effectiveness and Research website contains reports showing enrollment and outcome data for key programs and student characteristics. Reports are organized under the following four areas:
- Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS): Term-based metrics about enrollment (headcount, duplicated enrollments) and outcomes (success rates, completion rates, GPA, units earned) for SDCCD DSPS students compared to students who did not receive DSPS.
- Promise
- Career Technical Education (CTE): Reports produced in support of CTE program review and improvement.
- Factbooks: Annual metrics about enrollment (headcount) and outcomes (success rates, units earned, awards earned) districtwide for each SDCCD institution.
- Facts on File: High-level overview of data on key programs and student characteristics. Presents a cross-sectional view of SDCCD.
- Student Profiles Dashboard: Term-based headcount data as of course census or end-of-term for students enrolled at the credit colleges or SDCCE, disaggregated by student demographic characteristics.
- Districtwide Enrollment by Modality, disaggregated: Term-based duplicated enrollments by selected disaggregation across multiple terms; emphasis on showing changes in enrollment patterns by modality across terms.
- CTE Articulation CBE, SDUSD: SDUSD students earning college credit for high school CTE coursework.
- High School Pipeline: Enrollment patterns between high schools in the SDCCD service area and the SDCCD credit colleges.
- Re-enrollment and Subsequent Outcomes: The rate of re-enrollment and college outcomes for former SDCCD special admit students.
- Special Admit Report: Access, outcome, and disproportionate impact data for SDCCD special admit students.
- SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board Scorecard: High-level summary of access and outcome data for post-secondary engagement programs overseen by the SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board.
- SDCCD Special Admit FTES Allocation, 2022-23: Ad-hoc memo detailing the additional apportionment revenue generated by special admit students enrolled at San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges.
This reporting includes information on instructional and non-instructional programs. These reports are used for college-level program review, student learning outcomes and assessment, learning community evaluations, and special or grant funded program evaluations.