
On this page:
Chancellor Gregory Smith

Gregory A. Smith


Dr. Ricky Shabazz

Ricky Shabazz, Ed.D.

President, San Diego City College

Dr. Ashanti Hands portrait photo

Ashanti T. hands, Ed.D.

President, San Diego Mesa College

P. Wesley Lundburg

P. Wesley Lundburg, Ph.D.

President, San Diego Miramar College

Dr. Tina King portrait photo

Tina M. King, Ed.D.

President, San Diego College of Continuing Education

Portrait photo of Daniel Troy

Daniel Troy

Vice Chancellor, Finance and Business Services
Executive Business Officer

Accounts payable, budget, general accounting, grants and contracts, internal audit, purchasing and contract services, special funds.

Portrait photo of Jared Burns

Jared Burns, Ph.D., J.D.

Vice Chancellor, People, Culture, and Technology Services
Executive Human Resources Officer

Employment, contract negotiations, payroll, benefits, classification and compensation, affirmative action, staff development, risk management, workers compensation, legal services, policies and procedures, injury and illness prevention.

Susan Topham

Susan Topham, Ed.D.

Vice Chancellor, Educational Services
Executive Instruction Officer

College catalogs, master course inventory, transfer agreement guarantees, grants and contracts, apprenticeship, contract education, occupational training advisory committee liaison, economic development, strategic planning. Student records, transcripts, Institutional Research & Planning, Disabled Students Programs and Services, registration, student services policies and legal matters, state reports.

Joel Peterson

Joel Peterson, Ph.D.

Vice Chancellor, Operations, Enterprise Services, and Facilities
Executive Operations Officer

Architecture, facilities planning, warehouse and central receiving, inventory services, facilities leases/rentals, maintenance, custodial/gardening, buildings and grounds, electrical and ventilation, industrial safety, college police, parking, food services, bookstore/retail, reprographics and postal services, Occupational Safety and Health.

Michelle Fischthal

Michelle Fischthal, DBA

Vice Chancellor, Institutional Innovation and Effectiveness
Executive Innovation Officer

Accreditation, Institutional Research, Strategic Planning, Institutional Effectiveness, and Educational Technology and Services.

Laurie Coskey portrait photo

Laurie Coskey, Ed.D.

Vice Chancellor, Development and Entrepreneurship
Executive Development Officer

Fund Development, Major Gifts, Donor Relations, Grants, Community Engagement, Fee-Based education opportunities

Jack Beresford

Jack Beresford, MBA

Vice Chancellor, Marketing, Communications, and Public Affairs
Executive Public Information Officer

Margaret Lamb

Margaret Lamb

Director, Chancellor's Office Operations


District Administration Phone Numbers