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Gregory A. Smith, Chancellor

Greg Smith wears a black graduation cap and gown with a teal sash and a chancellor medallion


Gregory Smith takes on chancellor responsibilities with a clear commitment to equity and opportunity for students and employees

At the start of the millennium, Gregory Smith was a college student looking for work, barely making ends meet, living in Phoenix and driving a busted car with no air conditioning. That’s when he learned about an opening for a position as a compliance officer with the U.S. Department of Labor enforcing equal employment opportunity and affirmative action regulations. He jumped at the opportunity.

His role with the federal office would set the foundation for a career dedicated to safeguarding the rights of the most vulnerable. It also set him on a pathway that would lead him to being named the San Diego Community College District’s seventh chancellor in its 50-year history.

Chancellor Smith’s first day at his new position began February 1, and his focus is clear.

“My vision is creating an environment where everybody who comes here feels they can be who they are authentically, an environment where students know and feel they belong, a District that’s invested in them, that supports them as they become the person they want to be,” he said.

As chancellor, Smith is responsible for a $1 billion annual budget and all operations for a system that stands as the largest provider of workforce training and higher education in the region. The District and its four colleges ― San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar, and Continuing Education colleges ― have an annual economic impact of $4.5 billion. Enrollment is growing and, thanks to the governing board’s careful stewardship, the District’s fiscal health remains solid.

But challenges remain. Many students are still struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which required some to put their education on hold. The state, which funds most District operations, is facing a budget deficit estimated at $38 billion in 2024-25, with multi-billion-dollar deficits projected for following years. The District, in need of significant upgrades to support the latest innovations in technology, as well as much needed facilities upgrades and repairs, is preparing to place its first bond program on the ballot since 2006.

Additionally, Chancellor Smith takes over on a permanent basis at a time when the U.S. Supreme Court is taking a more hostile attitude to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) and affirmative action in hiring practices.

He remains undeterred. Smith likes to tell people: “Relentless optimism is my superpower.”

Those who know him say Chancellor Smith, who served as acting chancellor for nearly a year, is more than ready for whatever comes his way.

"One of the things that really strikes me is how skilled he is in understanding how data affects solid decision-making," said SDCCD Board of Trustees President Bernie Rhinerson. "It's also quite remarkable how he has detailed data at his fingertips. Ever since he joined the team as vice chancellor of People, Culture, and Technology Services in 2020, he has exhibited the highest standards of insight and innovation in the work that he does. He is a true leader." Read the full story

From the Chancellor

Chancellor's Message: California Budget 2025-2026
January 16, 2025 - The state budget development process began with Governor Gavin Newsom’s presentation of his budget proposal for the 2025-2026 fiscal year. The Governor’s proposal initiates a progression of analysis, advocacy, and negotiation between the Assembly, Senate, and Governor’s office which will culminate with a final approved budget in late June. 
Chancellor's Forums 2024-25
September 25, 2024 - Chancellor Smith held a series of forums throughout the district to address district priorities and engage in discussions with employees. 
May Revision
May 14, 2024 - Chancellor's Message addresses the Governor's May Revision to California's Budget.
Meeting the Chancellor
April 17, 2024 - Chancellor Gregory Smith begins new role with clear focus on equity and inclusion.
Q and A with the Chancellor
April 11, 2024 - Gregory Smith's first official day as chancellor of the San Diego Community College District began February 1, 2024.  We sat down for a question and answer session to get to know him.
SDCCD adopts living wage
February 1, 2024 - In an opinion article in the San Diego Union Tribune the chancellor announces that the SDCCD has increased its minimum wage. 
Supporting Foster Youth
July 12, 2023 - In an opinion article in the Times of San Diego, Gregory Smith writes taht community college opens the doors of opportunity for foster youth.

Photos of the Chancellor

A collection of photos of Chancellor Gregory Smith are available for use by the media.

Greg Smith waves to the crowd at the MLK parade. He is wearing a black shirt with two hands shaking. Chancellor at the MLK Parade