Career Education Program Advisory Committees

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Career Education Advisory Committees play an essential role in ensuring career education course and program content, materials, and equipment are aligned with industry needs.

Community College Career education programs provide hands-on training while building the comprehensive skillsets needed for success in the jobs of today and well into the future. Industry advisory committee members advise on and inform career education curriculum development, including new program development and modifications to existing programs. Committee meetings and activities provide an opportunity for increased alignment and discussion between educators, business, and industry, focused on career education program improvement, developing talent pipelines, and getting students jobs.

San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges and San Diego Continuing Education utilize advisory committees to ensure quality and relevance in career education programs. Over the years, advisory committees have helped shape, implement, and reshape programs to meet the ever-changing job market and economy.

Purpose of Career Education Industry Advisory Committees
  1. To ensure students are trained with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by employers
  2. To ensure curriculum design and improvements are industry informed and aligned to current industry standards and needs
  3. To maintain a continuous connection with industry for the benefit of students and the growth of a diversified student pipeline from education and training to employment

Committees are maintained for the purpose of continuous exchange between professional educators and those in the private and public industry sectors (Education Code §8070, Article 3). San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar College and San Diego Continuing Education rely on faculty expertise and the assistance of advisory committees to identify competency levels and measurable student learning outcomes for courses, certificates, and programs (ACCJC Standard II.A.2.b).

SDCCD Career Education Advisory Committee Handbook

The Purpose of the Districtwide Handbook is to communicate baseline requirements for advisory committee development, maintenance, and record-keeping. The primary audience of this handbook is SDCCD faculty and staff. SDCCD Institutions are encouraged to supplement this material with professional development opportunities for faculty and staff regarding employer engagement, advisory committees, and career education course and program alignment to employer need.

Districtwide Handbook

Handbook Maintenance - It is recommended that every-two years the handbook undergo a review. Updates to be submitted and distributed upon approval of each institution’s Office of Instruction.

Advisory Committee Resources