Career Education Data, Reports, and Resources
Districtwide Career Education Dashboards
Institutions are encouraged to utilize these resources throughout their local career education planning processes including the required Biennial Review, Perkins Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment, and Strong Workforce Program planning.
Work-Based Learning
Students participating in Work-Based Learning (WBL) saw 5% higher Completion and Success rates compared to non-WBL students in SDCCD. View the WBL dashboard for credit colleges here:
SDCCD Work-Based Learning Dashboard
District-wide data insights for WBL available here: WBL Data Insights
Career & technical education
- CTE Head Count, FTES, & FTES - CTE Student expansion coming soon
- Program Fact Sheets - based on regional dashboard and distributed 23-24 program fact sheets from the COE
- CTE Employment Outcomes Survey
- Work Experience Foundational Data
CTE Data Insights
SDCCD Educational Services has created the following one-pagers and slides with data insights from our dashboards, curated for each college: Data Insights (WBL, Work Experience, CTEOS)
- Perkins Core Indicators - SDCCD revisualization of state Core Indicators
- Perkins Qualifying Criteria
- Perkins Headcount
- Adult Learners: Third-Party Summary Brief - November 2022 - This brief provides insight into the disproportionate loss of adult learners from SDCCD enrollments and includes summaries of evidence-based strategies for attracting and retaining adult learners. Highlights includes:
- Adult Learners have accounted for the majority of enrollment loss districtwide
- Black/African American students were most impacted
- Regional Career Education Perception and Marketing Dynamics
- Preserving Completion (Lumina Report)
- CAEL's College Affordability from Adult Learners' Perspective: How They Pay: The Voices of Adult Learners on College Affordability,
and How Institutions Are Responding
District Resource Page for Advisory Committees – includes districtwide handbook and employer and committee resources
- See Apprenticeship Program Management resource page for districtwide guidance and materials.
Biennial Review
Districtwide Process Summary Ed Code 78016
SDCCD Program Fact Sheets Dashboard - Spring 2024
Worksheet - This worksheet includes recommended evidence available for all colleges to utilize:
Faculty Narratives - This optional narrative worksheet is available for colleges to use locally in support of their CTE Biennial Review efforts
2022 CTE Biennial Review:
2023 Districtwide Summary - CTE Employment Outcomes Survey Summary Report
- CTE Dashboard - Includes CTE headcount, FTES, FTEF, and Perkins headcount, etc.
HR/Staffing Diversity Reports
- October 2023 Diversity Update Perkins SDCCD Data Briefing - provided to meet Perkins CLNA requirements
Equity Gaps in Priority Jobs and Programs Report (Spring 2023) - A COE report made in collaboration with our local Workforce Development Board to identify priority jobs and programs and evaluate any equity gaps that exist within them.
- SDCCD Summary of the Report
- COE presentation on the report (spring 2023)
Regional Black Student Equity Report
- DSPS Dashboards
- CTE DSPS 2022-23 Summaries
- CTE DSPS 2021-22 Summaries
The majority of SDCCD early college credit reports and dashboards are designed for internal and partner-specific engagement to improve program management and implementation for increased student access and outcomes. SDUSD Joint Partnership Workgroup and Committee agendas include direct links and access to all materials. This page includes a list of available reports, but not all links are available due to sample size and senstivity of the information. If you have questions please email Amertah Perman
High School to Credit College:
SDCCD Summary of the Dual Enrollment Playbook - summary developed by Career Education and Workforce Development in fall 2020. Access to the full report and resources included.
Concurrent Enrollment Student Outcome Report February 2023 - Internal report available; public access not permissible
Early College Credit Subsequent Outcomes
Each link below provides access to a public version of this information. An Internal version is also available for SDUSD/SDCCD personnel.
Special Admit Reports - SDUSD & SDCCD
- To access to full internal report and internal report summary, contact Luke Menchaca and Steven Bass. Internal reports are available to SDUSD and SDCCD staff, faculty, and administrators.
- CCAP & ACP DI Summary Nov 2022 (2017-18 to 2021-22)
- 2016-2021 Full Comprehensive Report
- CCAP & ACP 2016-2021 Summary (2016-17 to 2020-21)
- CCAP data for principals (2020-21)
CTE Articulation Credit by Exam (CBE)
- Dashboard - SDUSD/SDCCD personnel please request access from Cloris Johnson.
- Annual Report - Fall 2023 - SDUSD/SDCCD personnel please request access from Cloris Johnson.
- Annual Report - Fall 2022 - An Internal (SDUSD/SDCCD) version is also available (public access not permissible).
- Re-Enrollment Reports - SDUSD/SDCCD personnel please request access from Cloris Johnson. Links included on SDUSD/SDCCD joint partnership workgroup agendas and SDUSD/SDCCD CBE Agendas.
- CBE Re–Enrollment & Pathway Enrollment Report
- CBE Re-Enrollment Dashboard
- Re-Enrollment Reports - SDUSD/SDCCD personnel please request access from Cloris Johnson. Links included on SDUSD/SDCCD joint partnership workgroup agendas and SDUSD/SDCCD CBE Agendas.
Noncredit to Credit
- SDCCE to City, Mesa, and Miramar Articulation Credit by Exam
- April 2024
- Annual Report - 2019-20 to 2022-23 data
- Summary - 2019-20 to 20220-23 data
- Presentation - 2019-20 to 20220-23 data
- May 2023
- April 2024
Regional Alignment and Resources
CTE Economic Impact Report
- June 2022 Career Education Economic Impact Studies
- Regional: Main | Fact Sheet | Infographic | Executive Summary
- College Specific
- City College: Fact Sheet | Executive Summary
- Mesa College: Fact Sheet | Executive Summary
- Miramar College: Fact Sheet | Executive Summary
- College of Continuing Education: Fact Sheet | Executive Summary
- Districtwide: Main | Fact Sheet | Executive Summary
Equity Gaps in Priority Jobs and Programs Report (Spring 2023) - ACOE report made in collaboration with our local Workforce Development Board to identify priority jobs and programs and evaluate any equity gaps that exist within them. Understanding these gaps can inform diversity efforts.
Districtwide Strategic Plan 2023-2030
The SDCCD has not completed a comprehensive districtwide environmental scan recently. See past materials here:
- High School Pipeline Reporting
- 2022-23 Data Brief (October 2023)
- City College Entrants from Service Area Feeder Schools - 2022-23 High School Pipeline Supplemental Worksheet
- Mesa College Entrants from Service Area Feeder Schools - 2022-23 High School Pipeline Supplemental Worksheet
- Miramar College Entrants from Service Area Feeder Schools - 2022-23 High School Pipeline Supplemental Worksheet
- 2022-23 Data Brief (October 2023)
- CDE K12 Career Education Pathways
- SDUSD Pathways by School – this shared spreadsheet is managed by SDUSD and provides insight into the K12 CTE pathways at each school. It also includes current articulated credit by exam agreements and CCAP courses. There is a tab for 2022-23, 2021-22, etc.
- SDUSD College and Career Pathways website – from here you can select the school you are interest in – this brings you to the school specific CCTE page. Within this page you will have access to the full Pathway Details for each program of study for each pathway offered at the school – the specific sequences of courses, required, and recommended, etc., etc.
- SDUSD High Schools by Credit College (Feeder School List);
- City College:
- Mesa College:
- Clairemont, Patrick Henry
- Kearny: BST, DMD, EID
- Madison, Mission Bay, Point Loma, SD Metro , La Jolla
- Miramar College:
- SDUSD High Schools by Credit College (Feeder School List);
- Regional K12 to CC Program Finder
- Regional Program Finder website - showcasing K12 to College program alignment
- K12 SWP Industry Sector Crosswalk
- K12 CA Industry Sectors
- K12 Crosswalk to In-demand sectors
- Options After High School Survey Results – Overview page and access to the dashboard
- 2022 Intervention Recommendations for Colleges, K12 Districts, and K12 Sites
- 2022 District specific data is also available in this folder from WestEd
See Early College Credit section for more K12 data
San Diego & Imperial Center of Excellence
Regional Program Recommendation Process
The San Diego-Imperial COE recently published subregional labor market profiles for San Diego County.
The main data platform for community college data is now housed in DataVista:
Launchboard is no longer used in large volumes. See below for prior years' Launchboard summaries.
- 2020-21 Launchboard Data Summaries (produced May 2023):
Strong Workforce Program
District Research Office Page - includes all published reports and dashboards
Public Dashboards: Enrollment Management, Student Profiles, DSPS, Foundational Data, Student Centered Funding Formula
District WBL Process Committee Resource Page – includes District SG21 reporting plan, SG21 queries, etc.