Strong Workforce Program
More and Better Career Technical Education to Increase Social Mobility and Fuel Regional Economies with Skilled Workers
In 2016, at the recommendation of the California Community College Board of Governors, the Governor and Legislature approved the Strong Workforce Program, adding a new annual recurring investment of $248 million to spur Career Education (CE) in the nation’s largest workforce development system of 116 colleges.
This state economic development program is driven by “more and better” CE. The “more” is increasing the number of students enrolled in programs leading to high-demand, high-wage jobs. The “better” is improving program quality, as evidenced by more students completing or transferring programs, getting employed or improving their earnings.
The Strong Workforce Program focuses on data-driven outcomes rather than activities, along with an emphasis on innovation and risk-taking. In this way, colleges can be more responsive to labor market conditions and student outcomes.
Current information on SWP from the CCCCO
Chancellor's Office Page for SWP Memos
This ongoing Strong Workforce Program funding is structured as a 60% "Local" share allocation for each community college district and a 40% "Regional" share determined by a regional consortia of colleges to focus on the state’s seven macro-economic regions.
Reporting guidance and resources
- SDCCD Local Strong Workforce Handbook
- SDCCD Regional Strong Workforce Handbook
- Reporting Schedule for CTE Leads
- SDCCD SWP Distribution Process Summary
- NOVA Reports - statewide tool; report request form
- How to Close Plans - NOVA Feature
Regional Share Allocations & Initiatives
The San Diego and Imperial Counties Community College Region (Region 10) coordinates regional SWP funds through the Regional Consortium. Regional SWP funds have been leveraged to develop a regional infrastructure to support and advance local SWP efforts. This regional infrastructure includes workgroups across several areas of focus. Each college within the region has representation on these workgroups.
Regional Strong Workforce Program 4-year Plan 2024-2027
Regional SWP funding is made available directly to the colleges through a variety of RFAs. Each college independently applies and manages these regional SWP grant funds and contracts. Learn more about the San Diego & Imperial Regional SWP:
Regional SWP Grants
The Regional Consortium provides opportunities for the colleges to apply for Regional SWP Grants annually tied to specific initiatives. Reminders:
- Regional SWP Grants are managed locally.
- All grants must be submitted to the board.
- Unique fund numbers for each contract are provided by SDCCD Business Services.
- As of Spring 2024, District Business Services has agreed to create fund numbers and initial budgets in advance of board approval to increase access to funds after board approval
- Career Education & Workforce Development (CEWD) Department serves as the liaison between college's grant leads and District Business Services for confirmation of which RFAs are being received and access to approved RFA budget
- Budget management (changes to budgets) is completed at the local level
- Invoices and back-up financial documentation required for reporting must be sent to Grossmont Cuyamaca Foundation and must align with required NOVA reporting
- As of Fall 2024, District Business Services provides lead support to Regional SWP grant leads at each college
- District Business Services will provide detailed ledger and invoices no less than two weeks prior to the reporting deadline
- College SWP Regional Grant leads are responsible for entering fiscal and narrative reports into NOVA and sending the detailed ledger and invoice to the funder
- Full process overview and reports due are included in the shared Teams folder. Direct link to document is available here.
Local Share Allocation
Local share allocation to districts includes base and incentive funding. At the San Diego Community College District, SWP Base funds are received and then redistributed by agreed upon allocation percentages. Allocation percentages are confirmed annually and determined through the District's Chancellor's Cabinet. Incentive funding is not revised or reallocated. Each college receives the incentive funding earned. Incentive funds are distributed directly to each SDCCD institution with no changes to funding.
The SDCCD Strong Workforce Program (SWP) grant activities are managed locally within each college. SWP topics are included on the monthly Career Education Deans meeting agendas.
- Per State requirements, district approval for project plans and fiscal reporting is required (Round 5 moving forward)
Local SWP Grant Leads:
- City College:
- Jesse Lopez, Dean, Business, Information Technology, Cosmetology, Engineering, and Trades
- Sasha Knox, Associate Dean of Strong Workforce
- Mesa College:
- Monica Romero, Dean, Business and Technology
- Alex Berry, Associate Dean of CTE
- Miramar College:
- Claudia Estrada-Howell, Dean, School of Business, Technical Careers & Workforce Initiatives
- Jennifer Pena, Acting Associate Dean of Strong Workforce
- College of Continuing Education:
- Andrei Lucas, Dean, Workforce Development, Automotive, Skilled & Technical Trades
- Armin Rashvand, Associate Dean of CTE
- District Support & Coordination:
- Amertah Perman, Dean, Career Education & Workforce Development, Educational Services Division
- Edward Matthews, Program Manager, Career Education & Workforce Development
Local SWP Reports, Presentations, and Summaries to Board of Trustees and Chancellor’s Cabinet
Rounds 1-5 (July 2016 – June 2022)
Round 6 (July 2021 – June 2023)
- Project Plan Summary - available soon
Career Eduation Data, Reports, and Resources